Bad Dream

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I collapse onto I bed not bothering to change and fall straight into a deep sleep.

I was hiding under the table when there was a crunching sound. I shivered at the noise and look out and see WB standing over Mike, who was lying in a pool of his own blood. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Blood was pouring out of a gash in his head as he lay motionless on the floor.

"What happened?" Asked Jeremy

He looked out and basically screamed. I had to hold him back from jumping out from our hiding spot. Tears streaming down his face, he was struggling in my grip. Fritz helped me too. Scott ran and picked up the crowbar and beat the shit out of WB until he ran away. Everyone gathered around Mike exempt for Scott and Vincent who were yelling


At that moment I were hugging Jeremy and sitting next to Mike. Jeremy was crying like it was the end of the world. My world stood still then faded into nothingness. The argument stoped, I turn around and see that all my co-workers are gone and so was the office.

It was just me and Mike in a dark room. I crawl a bit closer to his body and start crying. This was my fault. I should've moved. I should've ran away. I try to scream, but my throat is blocked. My world crumbled away slowly and there was just the memory of the one night I got to spend with him. That short 10 minute walk.

Now nothing but a thought.

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