The Big Question

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I woke in a cold sweat, breathing deeply. It was just a nightmare. Just a dream. I lay back down and try to sleep but to no avail. I decided there was no point in sleeping if I were too scared to even close my eyes.


I look at the time. It's midday. I was hungry so I decided to go to a cafe while my mum was packing.

I put on a F/C shirt, jeans and a hoody.

My mind was still racing from that dream and through all the chaos, I remembered I had to ask someone to stay at theme place for a bit while I find a house.

Not Vincent. No No No. Jeremy seems too young to be living alone. That just leaves Mike, Scott and Fritz.

I walk along the sidewalk kicking rocks trying to figure out a way to ask someone about staying over. I guess I'll just ask the fmest person I see.

•••••••••••••••••Time Skip••••••••••••••••

I arrived at (favourite/cafe) and took a seat in my favourite place in the corner next to the window.

A waitress came over to take my order.

I asked for (drink) and (food) she wrote it down and walked away.

"Hey Y/N!" shouted a familiar voice.
I look up from my phone and see Mike running to me.

This was my moment. I could ask him about moving in.

"Hey what brings I here Mike?" I ask

"Oh nothing much, just hungry" he replied

"Same" I say

There was a small moment of silence when the waitress brought I Me stuff.

"Do you want something sir?" Asked the waitress
"Uh yes please" Mike said "I'll have a medium coffee and a blueberry muffin please"
"Thank you" she said and walked away

"So, Mike?" I ask

"Yeah?" He said

"Uh.. m-my mum is moving to London and can't support me here so I don't really have a house as of tomorrow so I was wondering if I could stay with I?" I say "it might not be for long cause my friend Brett is coming to live here and I might be able to live with him until I have a house of my own"

"Yeah sure" he said

To Me surprise he barely hesitated.

"Wow really" I say

"Yeah, of course I can stay as long as I like" he said with a smile

The waitress brought his food and coffee and left

We both finish our food and pay. I walked outside and said bye to Mike and start walking home to help my mum pack.

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