Mike's POV

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Mike's POV (obviously)

y/n ran out of the room with the kid and I stood inside the doorway staring at this mother fucker.

"Back for round two are we" Vincent teased "What? You gonna beat me up again"

"I'm gonna get you sent back to that jail" I say sternly

"You're going to have to drag me there, cause I'm not going back" He said

"Then I guess I'll have to" I growl as I begin to talk to the spirit to help me.

"No, help!" he yells "this is gonna be a fair fight. Or are you weak without the help of your friend?"

"I could take you on any day" I argue "I'll beat you without her help"

Vincent grins and takes a few steps back. I walk closer to him and the door slams behind me, shrouding me in darkness. I could barely see anything, I could only feel around to find my way. When suddenly, I was impacted hard from behind. I fell forward and felt a warm liquid under me. I scramble forward and trip over a body. I freak out and get to my feet in a panic. I slowly step over the body and feel around with my feet for anything in front of me. I couldn't feel anything close so I start to walk further, when I was again impacted from the back and stumble forward into a wall. I groan and I fall back onto the ground.

"Don't be a baby" Vincent taunted "Fight like a man"

It sounded like his voice was all around me, I couldn't pinpoint a direction it was coming from.

"Says you!" I yell "Don't hide like a coward!"

I could hear laughing coming from the darkness as I stood shakily to my feet. My eyes were beginning to adjust a bit and I could see a faint doorway a few metres away from me. I stumble over and make my way into the next room. There was a small window that was emitting a dim light into the room. The light wasn't enough to reach the other room (it wasn't even enough for this one) but it was better than nothing. I slowly walk further into the room when I feel a sharp pain in my lower leg. It stung like hell and I couldn't hold myself up. I fell to the floor, gripping my leg in pain and hissing between my teeth to prevent myself from screaming.

"You are weak" I look up and see Vincent standing above me with a wide grin on his face "don't be a hero. Just accept your fate and die"

"N-No" I protest "y/n needs me"

"y/n doesn't care about you" Vincent chuckles "she's only with you because she feels sorry for you! She won't care if you're gone, no one will!"

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell as I pounce forward

I tackle Vincent to the ground. My leg throbbed in pain but the adrenaline was flowing through me. I hold his wrist with the knife down and begin to punch him. I keep going until he kicks me hard in the gut and I fall off him, clenching me stomach. Vincent then stands over me and starts punching me hard in the face. I could feel blood dripping down my face as I tried to push him off. I turn me head to the side as he punches me again and I see the discarded knife. I reach as far as I could and I was just close enough to grab the handle. I don't waste any time and plunge it deep into Vincents arm. He screams in agony and falls to the floor beside me, gripping his bloody arm. I get shakily to my feet and stare down at him. I could taste blood in my mouth and still feel it on my face. I shift all my weight to my good leg and feel more and more adrenalin pump through my veins. Vincent flares up at me and suddenly pounces at me. Out of reflex, I grab his wrist and  hold it tightly until I hear a loud crack. Vincent screams in pain and falls to the floor, gripping his wrist. I take small steps back and let him sit there in pain.

"You broke my fucking wrist!" He yelled

"I don't fucking care!" I spit back "you fucking stabbed me in the leg!"

I limp over to him, wincing on each step until I'm standing over him. He stares up at me with a death glare. His white eyes pierced my soul. I grip his knife in my hand still as I hold it to his throat softly. Vincent looks up at me with watery eyes and a shocked face. But his expression slowly turned into a grin, which soon formed into a small chuckle.

"What's so fucking funny?" I ask, irritated

"You idiot!" He chuckled "you can't kill me!"

I could feel a slight tugging on my neck that made me choke slightly. I bring my other hand to my neck and rub it. Nothing was there. Nonetheless, the tugging continued and I felt like I was drowning. I cough and try to take deep breaths as I felt myself slowly sink to my knees and the knife began to slip from my grip.

'drop it' a familiar, hollow voice said

"You should listen to my little friend" Vincent advised

I feel myself about to pass out as I drop the knife and grip my neck as I choke violently, trying to breath. My vision blurred and I fall to my hands and knees, coughing loudly and struggling to keep conscious. Vincent gets to his feet, holding his mangled arm and gives me a hard kick to the stomach. I groan and fall to the floor on my side. He continues to kick hard at my stomach until I start coughing up blood into the cold floor. The constriction around my neck was loosening slowly and I started to take slow deep breaths. Vincent's laugh was now psychotic. His eyes were filled with a deep bloodlust and I could tell he wanted me dead. He kicks me one final time and I get knocked backwards into a pile of parts that dig into my body.

"W-what did...did you do?" I ask breathlessly

"You think your the only one with a spirit!?" He spits

As soon as he says that, a faint black figure appears floating beside him. It had red eyes, unlike my spirit, and its mouth was in a mischievous grin.

"Wh-why di-didn't you use it in...in our other fight?" I ask confused

"Oh, I wanted to save him for when you couldn't use your's". Invent explains harshly

"I-I can use mine" I protest

"No, you can't" he argues "why do you think she didn't come this whole time. Why do you think she didn't once try to take o er you to help. Because she's with me"

It hit me hard, that statement.

"T-that's my spirit?" I ask

"Indeed" Vincent confirms

"But why?" I was so confused

'You've grown tiresome' she says blandly 'y/n has become your only priority and that means I need someone else to be with, to talk to, to possess'

"I told you to stay away" Vincent said

"Shut up. You're a monster" I spit back

"You don't know me! You don't have the right to judge me!" He yells

I feel my vision blur as the adrenaline drained and the pain kicked in. And trust me when I say, it kicked in hard. My head throbbed madly as did my leg. My stomach aches and I felt as if I were gonna throw up. My neck felt bruised and scratched. I found it hard to breath, like my throat was swollen. My jaw felt bruised and it became hard to move my mouth.

"Hey!" I hear someone yell

I look over to where the voice came from. The darkness covered their face, but by the body shape, I could tell who it was. I couldn't keep myself awake anymore and slowly slipped into the darkness.

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