Looking After Mike

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I jolt awake and see that it was quite late at night. I check the time, it was 12:00 'good luck Scott, Vincent and Fritz' I thought.

I look over at Mike who was curled up in a ball on the couch, shivering. I must have slept for too long because his cloth was ice cold and the blanket had fallen off the couch. I picked up the blanket and wrapped him up in it. Then ran to the tap and poured hot water into the bowl. I soak the cloth and before you lay it on his head.

It took him a while to stop shivering but when he did I calmed down a bit. I turned on the heater too just to make sure he will stay warm.

After changing the cloth a few times he started to moan and move around. I thought he might be waking up so I ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water for him.

He opened his eyes before I could get up and grabbed my wrist. It made me jump a little. I turned around and saw Mike holding onto my wrist and nearly falling off the couch.

"Hey" I whisper

"W-... what time is it?" He asks slowly

You check your phone and see that it's 1:30 am

"It's about 1:30 in the morning" I tell him

"Why aren't you asleep?" He asked his hand shaking as it gripped my wrist

"I've been looking after you" I explain

Mike looks at me with his crystal blue eyes for a minute making me blush. I try to escape his grip softly, but he was still really strong.

"Don't leave me" he pleaded

"I need to get you water" I say

"Nooooo" his voice trailed off.

"Please let me go, Mike" I ask nicely

"No stay" he says

"Ok" I say finally defeated

I say back down in my little chair and kept watch over him.

After about 5 minuets he was back asleep again. I try to free your wrist but he still won't let go. I sigh and try to change his cloth with one hand.

(Time Skip)

I awaken a few hours later and see that I have taken a place sitting by the side of the couch on the floor. I look up at Mike who is sound asleep and still gripping my hand tightly.

Doll's cat, Persian, came over and lay next to Mike. I pet him and he was really soft. Then you realised something. It was a Persian cat named Persian. I bet any amount of money that Mike named it after the Pokémon. I giggled.

I checked my phone to see that you had a missed call from my mum.

I was too tired to call back so you sent a quick message.

I- I can't talk right now I'm looking after Mike :(

I suddenly hear knocking at the door
Crap... I need to open the door

I try to loosen his grip on my hand but i can't.

I start to curse under my breath. Then I whisper to myself "please let go I need to go to open the door"

I had an idea, I got the cold cloth that was on his head and dipped it in the now ice cold water and wrapped it around his hand.

In about a minute his hand was numb and slippery, allowing myself to slip my arm away. I do a little victory dance in my head then go to open the door.

It was Scott.

"Oh hey Scott" I say in the middle of a yawn

"Hey, sorry did I wake you?" He asked

"No" I say "I've only slept like 2 hours anyway cause I need to keep checking on Mike"

I gesture over to the couch where Mike lay sprawled out with a cold cloth on his hand still.

"I see" says Scott "how's he doing then?"

"Uh, Ok?" I say "he wouldn't let go of my wrist for like 3 hours tho and I was kinda stuck sitting there for that long but I escaped so yeah it's all good" I say giving Scott a thumbs up. "Oh come in"

Scott walks in and sits on a chair next to the kitchen. I walk over to Mike and grab the bowl and cloth.

"So what happened to him?" Scott asks

"Well" I say as you change the water "Mike offered Jeremy to stay over cause of -" I immediately close my mouth and remember what Mike said about not telling anyone about Jeremy's dad.

"It's ok"says Scott "we all know about Jeremy's dad. We just don't talk about it and pretend not to know"

I let out a sigh of relief and told him the whole story.

"Wow"Said Scott "is Jeremy ok too?"

"Yeah we visited him yesterday and he was doing well"

"That's good" he says

"Mmm" I hear a mumble from behind me "mmm y-y/n"

"Mike" I say surprised "oh"

I run to the sink and get him water. I sit beside him. He drank the water and then lay back down.

"W-where did you go" he said

"Well Scott came over to see you so I had to open the door"

Mike looks behind him and sees Scott waving to him weakly before lying back down.

"Hey Mike" he said softly "how are ya feeling"
"I gotta headache and a sore face" Mike groaned you take away the cloth and get a bag of ice for his eye.

After a moment he fell asleep again.

He was still so cute when he slept.

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