Guess Whos Back

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I slowly open my eyes and see that Mike was lying next to me on the floor, hugging my arm. My lips were dry and I felt like they were going to crack if a moved them. As I go to reach for Mike's half empty glass the door handle starts to move and I here a muffled voice from outside.

"Come on, Mike" they says as they slid a key into the lock and turned it.

My heart was pounding fast. I looked around for something to help me but there was nothing. The door opens and a girl walks in. She is slim and pretty with blonde hair that was down over her shoulders. She carried a small handbag and a pet carrier.

She didn't seem to notice me as she walked in. She turned around and closed the door behind her and still hadn't noticed you.

"I thought you told me that you wouldn't lock the door while you were ho-" she stops mid sentence as she sees me.

"Who the fuck are you?" She yells

"Uhh" I stutter

I knew this looked bad, but I had to explain to this woman that nothing happened.

"Who are you!?" She repeats

"Y/n" I reply "who are you?"

She looked a bit set back

"I" she began dramatically "am Mikes girlfriend, Doll!"

I was worried now because this looked REALLY bad.

I try to escape Mike's grip but he was like a leech.

"What do you think you are doing with him!" She yelled

I try to gesture to her to keep it down because he was sleeping but she didn't get the message.

"You think you can just come into MY boyfriend's house and be like this as his GIRLFRIEND WALKS THROUGH THE DOOR!!" She was really pissed now

"No you don't understand" I start

"NO you don't understand lady."she yelled "We had a perfect relationship and now you have ruined it. RUINED!!"

At that last word, Mike opened his eyes and looked up at me. I was hoping that Doll wouldn't notice that he woke up. But I was wrong.

"YOU!!" She screamed pointing at Mike "are a cheater and a LIAR!!"

Mike instantly let go of me and I scrambled to my feet.

"Y/N" he said "go wait in the room and don't come out ok?"

I nod and run to the room for safety. I got in and slammed the door behind me which woke up Jeremy.

"W-what is h-happening?" He asked tieredly rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry Jeremy" I apologise "I just need to hide in here for a bit"

"What's h-happening?" He asks

I explain to him what's going on and he nods silently as I tell the story.

"D-Doll isn't the c-calm t-type" he says

"You can say that again"

About half and hour of muffled yelling later I heard a door slam and Mike walking to the bedroom door. He yelled from the other side, telling us that it's ok to come out

"Are you ok?" I ask

"Yeah I guess" he says

He was obviously holding back tears. And I couldn't blame him.

"I-I'm gonna take a shower" he says suddenly

He walked to the bedroom to grab some clean clothes and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

What had I done. I had basically ruined his relationship and I didn't even say sorry. When he got out of the bathroom I went and hugged him tightly.

I heard him sniff a bit, still choking back tears. He was trying to be strong, but that strength soon crumbled into a mixture of different emotions and soon, a mental breakdown.

He covers his eyes with a hand takes a deep breath. I lead him to the couch where he eventually began to cry. I comfort him and he leans into me. He was mumbling some incoherent words and I just nodded. Mike soon lay down and fell asleep from exhaustion.

It was dark outside, a nice time for a cool, refreshing walk. I wrote a note for Mike and Jeremy, telling them where I would be and left the house with a jacket.

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