Mikes POV

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I walk with Scott our to the prize corner and try to think of the words to explain how I feel.

"What's up?" Scott asks

"I broke up with Doll" I just blurt out

"Oh" he seemed shocked "are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say "I just wanted to ask something"


"I...I'm having second thoughts about breaking up with her" I explain "but I'm with y/n now, and-"

"That's fine" Scott interrupts "its normal for a couple to experience these kind of feelings after a break up"


"Of course, when I broke up with my girlfriend in high school, I was broken for a few weeks, but got over it after about a month or two"

"Jeez thanks" I say sarcastically

"No problem" he says

"We better get back to the office, it's..."

I check my watch and realise the time.

"Fuck, it's 12.05!" I curse

"What!?" Scott yells

We run through the restaurant and stumble over all the tables and parts in the floors trying to get to the office.

We arrive in and no one was there.

"Shit!" I shout

I look under the desk and behind the masks. Nothing. I start to sweat and get scared that maybe one of those filthy animatronics had gotten

I run down the hallway with Scott right behind me. I stop unexpectedly and Scott crashes into me and knocked me down. I shove him off and get quickly to my feet.

"Why did you stop?!" Scott yelled at me

"Shh!" I hiss "do you hear that?"

We stand there for about a minute until we hear the sound again. It sounded like screaming

I run down the long hallway and come to a big metal door. 'Parts and Service"

My heart sank immediately. Those fucking robots! They're gonna pay for this.

"She's in there!" I say

"We gotta get her out" Scott says in a panicky tone

I instantly step back to the opposite wall and take a running start, clashing with the door with all my force. I groan in pain as I slammed my arm into the metal door multiple times. It wasn't working so I start banging the door with my fist, I don't care how painful it is. I need to get to her, I can't let her die. I feel warm tears down my face. I quickly wipe them away and continue punching the door.

"Mike stop" Scott says

But I don't, I keep going

"Mike!" He yells

I ignore him and continue in a blind rage

"Mike stop!" He yells as he grabs my arm.

My hand was bleeding from all the force of the door.

"Let me try now" Scott says calmly

I watch Scott take a run up as I had done and slam his side into the door. It didn't open though. He tries again and again but it doesn't budge. He resorts to kicking the door and I help out too. The door was a sturdy build but it eventually bursts open with both of our kicks clashing against it.

I immediately run into the parts and service, only to trip over a metal pipe. Sure enough, Scott runs in as blindly as I had and falls on top of me again.

"Sorry" he says

I look around and see nothing. It was so dark that it was like death itself was swallowing me up. I turn on my flashlight that I had in my pocket and it instantly lit up the room. At the end of the room I saw them. The four junk pikes that were surrounding a new suit, with y/n in it. I feel myself growing angry and suddenly realise that my control was slipping away from me. I lash out in rage and pick up the closest weapon to me, which was a metal pole, and run forward at the stupid robots. I begin to wack them with the hard pole and make large dents in their suits. After countless attacks on them, they begin to cower away and eventually slip into the darkness.

I drop the pole and run to the suit on the table with y/n. Scott runs up behind me and starts to undo the spring locks. I wasn't as skilled and didn't want to make things worse, so I stood back and let him do his thing. It took a while, but y/n was finally free. I pick her up off the table and we get out of there as fast as we could.

We get to the end of the hall and hear something clanging behind us. I turn around and see that foxy is running after us. We run for it and only just make it to the party room when Scott turns, flashing his light at him. Foxy instantly retreats and runs back through the hallway.

I run to the doors and slam my side into them, being careful not to hurt Y/N in the process and the doors swing open. The cold dawn air sends chills down my spine as I run to my car.

Scott gets into the drivers seat and I get in the back with y/n lying her down and putting her head on my lap. It was now that I got to see her injuries. Her leg was gushing blood and so was her side. I grab a spare shirt that  had in the back and hold it to her side to try and stop the blood. Scott drove as fast as he could to the hospital and when we arrive, I get out of the car and pull y/n into my arms. I carry her into the hospital with Scott right behind me.

The people in the hospital were horrified to see the state that we were all in. Covered in blood and carrying an unconscious girl. They were quick to take her from me and told me to go home to change before coming back. I refused and Scott had to pull me out of the hospital and into the car. I was quiet on the way home and so was Scott.

He drove me to Freddy's and I got into my own car and we went our seperate ways. I changed at home into my usual attire and headed back to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room all night and most of the next day with my worried thoughts. People were texting me but I ignored my phone and focused on the problem at hand.

Please be ok, y/n.

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