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"Clary, aurora" captain Vargas says as she walks up the stairs to the police station. After being pushed into the purple cloud clary and I appeared in the police station out of thin air.

"Captain Vargas" clary says relived. Clary stands up as the captain gets closer to us.

"It's two in the morning what are you two doing here so late?" She asks clary. I am still sitting on the ground with my head in my hands. I killed a man today.

"Luke said he'd Uh... drive us home if he was still here." Clary comes up with an excuse because lets be honest you cant just say I'm here because my mom shoved me through a purple cloud and I appeared here out of thin air.

"He's in an interview" captain Vargas sighs " could take him awhile"

"Cool we'll wait in the cafeteria" clary says pulling me up from my position on the ground. We make to walk off but the captain stops us.

"Is there something wrong, Aurora?" She asks taking in my appearance. I probably looked like a train wreck. "Guy trouble?"

Clary looks down at my face then back up at the captain. " yeah, sure" captain Vargas nods at clary's answer. "It's Uh... something like that"

With that clary and I turn and start to make our way to what the captain thought was the cafeteria but really we were making our way to Luke.

"The minute we found out Jocelyn Fairchild was alive you were easy to track" a male voice says to Luke. Clary and I are peaking over the railing at Luke.

"Fairchild" clary repeats. Jocelyn's last name is fray not Fairchild.

"Turns our you two were never that far apart" the woman says to him. I look at lukes face to see it void of any emotion and that truly scared me.

"She's with the circle now, it's just a matter of time until we find the daughters" the man says talking about clary and me.

"Daughter" luke corrects. That breaks me a little but I decide to keep listening. "The other one is just a waste of your time she's average nothing but a mundane" luke spits out like the words are poison on his tongue. I slide down the wall a little. How could he? He was like a father to me.

"Fine but you can have Jocelyn and the daughter if you just give up the cup" the woman tries to reason. Luke leans forward on the desk.

"They mean nothing to me" luke scoffs. "Especially aurora" that's it. I slide all the way down the wall and put my face in my hands. I look up at clary with tears running down my face. "Kill them all if you like" that's when I completely break. I feel the tears running down my face nonstop. "Now get out of my office and tell valentine that when I find the cup I'm keeping it"

Clary tugs on my arm to get me to get up and she succeeds after a few attempts. We make our way out side into the cold rain. We run all the way back The the loft and rush into the store. Normally when you would enter you would immediately be hit by warmth but now it's just cold.

"Mom" clary screams. I take in the sight of the store. Everything is a mess. There's glass and antiques strung everywhere.clary and I make our way up to the loft which looks even worse than it does downstairs. I look to my right and see dot. I tug on clary's sleeve and then point to dot.

"They took Jocelyn" dot says distraught.

"Who took her?" Clary ask walking slowly up to dot.

"Rogue shadowhunters searching for the mortal cup" dot answers even though we don't know what that means. "Did your mom ever talk to you about a cup it's gold almost like a chalice." Dot asks.

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