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"So your telling me you've met a vampire" I ask Izzy as we sit in chairs at the place I now know as the institute. The institute is where shadowhunters in a certain area live. Izzy nods her head at me. She's met a vampire and she's still alive. Cool I think to myself.

"Yeah..." her voice goes distant as I look at the institute door and see jace clary and Simon walk in. Hold on! Simon! I quickly get up from the very modern seat and rush over to Simon. I throw my arms around him in a hug.

"Simon" I squeal. I missed him so much. Right now he's the only constant I have besides clary. I hear footsteps walk up beside me and Simon. I sigh it's probably alec coming to interrogate us.

"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the institute?" Alec suddenly bombards is with questions. I take these questions as the perfect opportunity to start to annoy Alec for being so up tight.

"Oh so you agree, I'm not a mundane" I say putting a hand on my hip much like I did to jace outside the club.

"That's not..." he trails off. I stick my hand out behind me and I smile when Izzy gives me a high five.

"If you didn't know any better you'd think she was a wayland" Izzy jokes and I respond with a laugh.

"Please we all know no one is topping jace" I joke after I'm done laughing. I look up at Alec to see his lips curve up in the slightest. I reach my fist out for him to give me a fist bump and after a few moments he hesitantly returns it. I was so focused on getting Alec to give me a fist bump that I missed out on half of the conversation.

"There is. you coming?" Jace says grabbing his jacket and walking towards the door. Clary nods her head and follows after him. I on the other hand stay with Izzy and Alec in the main area. Simon was about to follow jace and clary but jace stops him. " woah not you"

"Why not we're a package deal" clary says referring to Simon and her. I scoff is she really being like this right now.

"There are runes all over that floor that will kill you" jace reasons. I'm being to take the shadowhunters side on things they know more than clary and I combined.

"Don't worry clary I'll watch over him" Izzy says stepping up. " I was just about to make breakfast" jace takes in a sharp breath of air.

"On second thought the runes might be less lethal" jace says hitting his shoulder into mine. I laugh at his joke but stop when I see the look Izzy gives me. Jace and clary walk off and soon after so does Simon and Izzy. I began to make my way back to the library but after I get down one corridor I feel someone walking behind me. I stop and turn around but before I see who it is I'm being pinned to the wall. I look up and see hazel eyes. I follow them up until I see brunette hair. I sigh and look back at Alec's eyes.

"Yes, alec?" I say nonchalantly. I don't know it's not like some just pinned me up against the wall. I furrow my eyebrows at him. What the hell does he want? I ask myself. He brings his arm up and puts his forearm across my collarbone.

"If I find out your working for valentine  , then your going to wish you were dead" he says next to my ear in a menacing voice but jokes on him I don't know who valentine is so I'm good. I decided to mess with him a bit. I lean in as close as I can get to his ear and whisper.

"Jokes on you alec, I like it rough." I slowly pull my head back and gauge his reaction. He starts to go pink in the cheeks. He brings his hand off of my collarbone and brings it to the wall.

"Good to know" my heart drops down to my stomach when I hear him reply and then start to walk off. I stand there for a few seconds not being able to move. I finally snap out of my daze and call out to alec as he's walking down the hall.

"Alec!" I yell. I get a hum in response and he turns and looks over his shoulder. "I was kidding"

He nods his head with a smirk. "Me too" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I really hope he was joking.
"Is this the least revealing thing you own?" Clary asks eyeing the clothes Izzy gave her in the mirror. We were all just hanging out in Izzy's room while we were putting on different clothes.

"Why? All the naughty bits are covered." I laugh at Izzy's words. She doesn't know that clary usually just wears T-shirts and jeans. "A little to much in my opinion."

From my position on the bed I almost fall off when something hits me in the face. Regaining my balance I look at it to see that it a black long sleeve crop top and black ripped skinny jeans. Quickly I Put the on and sun in a circle for Izzy. She gives me a smile indicating she approved of the outfit on me.

"So..." clary stalls walking away from the mirror. "You, Alec, and jace are all like, what? Family"

"Translation she wants to know if you and jace are a thing." I shout over from in front of the mirror.

"Don't worry clary," Izzy says. " in every way he's like a brother to me. Our parents took him in when he was ten. We learned to fight side by side."

Clary sighs from her spot against the pillar while playing with her fingers. "A few days ago I'll I had to worry about was getting into art school and now..." clary trails off.

"Is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner shadowhunter and facing your true destiny?" Izzy asks quickly. I almost couldn't understand her she was talking so fast. I turn away from the mirror with a smirk.

"Was that the pep talk?" I joke with her. Izzy nods her head at me also with a smirk.

"Basically" Izzy gets up from the bed and walks up the clary with a sigh. "Clary, remember that no matter what happens this is what you were born to do, who you were meant to be."

"Now we just have to find dot." I say walking up to Clary. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Izzy sighs again from beside me.

"And track down the most dangerous rouge shadowhunter in history before he kills us all."

"Some pep talk, Izzy." I smile at her. She returns it with a slight grin.
Ahhh Alec and aurora though!
They need a ship name.

Clary's style or Izzy's?

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