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"I got your text Izzy." I say walking up the stairs behind Alec. "Where are we exactly?"

She smiles. "It's an old meatpacker service entrance." I stifle a laugh for what seems to be the millionth time today. Meatpacker, I bet I can name another one. I ignore the looks I get from both Alec and Izzy and keep walking. "If we go back there," Izzy says pointing to the far side of the factory. "We come up into the basement of the hotel duMort."

I reach over and give Izzy a high five. It's cool she found all of that out in like an hour. "Perfect, Izzy!"

"I know, we distract the vamps and clary and jace have time to find Simon." Izzy smiles again.

"Okay" Alec says like he doesn't like the idea. Izzy mocks him.

"Okay." She stops. "It was hard work interrogating Meliorn for this intel." She sasses him. Alec smiles at her.

"Great job Izzy." He Jokes But any sane person can tell he meant it. "You have fairy dust on your dress." As Alec walks off I reach over and wipe the dust off Izzy's dress. "And I hate being the distraction." My mouth falls open at his statement but I close it and decide to mess with him.

"You didn't have a problem with it earlier." I cheer walking beside Izzy. She gives me a bewildered expression but I pretend not to see it. He looks back at me with a slight smirk. "Come to think of it you do it everyday." I mumble.

He smirks while walking over to me. "Huh? I'm sorry can you repeat that? I didn't quite hear you." He says putting a hand to his ear.

"You're a freakin distraction, Alec!" I shout. He smirks and then walks away. Izzy elbows me in the ribs making me roll my eyes at her but none the less smile. We finally come to a door at the far side of the factory.

"That must be the way." Izzy swings open the door to reveal six vamps on the other side. Quickly I slam the door shut and me and Izzy lean against it in an attempt to stop them.

"Any day now." I say to Alec as he digs in his pocket for his stele. He digs through all of his pockets until he finds it. The vamps are strong and I don't know how much longer the door is gonna stay closed.

"If you'll just hold the door still it might be a little easier." Alec groans. In any other situation I probably would have talked back to him but I don't think now is the time. " it's not taking it." Alec sighs referring to the rune he was trying to draw on the door. Getting fed up of this I grab Alec's seraph blade. I jog over to a pipe on the ceiling and cut two lines in it, catching it in my hand when it falls out. Quickly I toss it over to Izzy and watch as she laches it into the door handle.

"Who ever said the pen is mightier than the sword was an idiot." Izzy smiles walking over to me.

"Amen to that." I laugh while giving her a high five. "That pole isn't gonna hold forever though."

Alec nods and notches an arrow into his bow. Izzy smiles as her whip slides down her wrist and into position. Deciding that I wanted to look cool too I swing Alec's seraph blade a couple times. I believe I'm really getting a hang on this shadowhunter stuff.

"Do you think they know where we are?" Izzy jokes.

"That's the idea right." As Alec speaks I find my self looking up at his face. Inwardly I groan, this is not the time to be checking out Alec. "How long do you think we can distract them for?"

"About ten more minutes." Izzy nods getting ready and eyeing the door. Alec scoffs at her.

"Are you kidding we'll be liquid lunch in five." Alec scowls. I slap his arm and gain his attention.

"Stop being so negative." I scold. He's always being negative. If he was just positive he would do a lot better. Suddenly a vamp snakes his arm inside the crack and removes the pole allowing the door to creak open. Izzy grabs the first vamp with her whip and slams him down on the floor. Where do I get me one of those? Alec releases his arrow and it lodges itself into the chest of the second vamp. Suddenly feeling a presence behind me I spin around. When I do a complete 180 degree turn I'm greeted by an ugly vamp. He throws a punch but I duck under it. I pop back up and swing the seraph blade across my body. I quickly cuts into the torso of the beast and he turns into a cloud of dust. I look around and notice that all the vamps are gone. "Let's go find jace and clary."

We walk up a stairwell to a fancy room upon entering we see clary and jace fighting the vamps. One grabs clary by the throat and slams her up against the wall. Quickly I rush over to him and kick his knee so he'll let go of clary. He drops her and turns and looks at me. He lunges at me and I quickly jump back but due to the floor being so slick I fall on my butt. The vamp stands above me and is about to kick my face but I roll out of the way and stand up. As I get up I see an arrow lodge it's self right into him and he turns into dust. Before I can make a move to go to Alec an arm wraps itself around my neck. I struggle but it's no use the vamp is stronger that's me.

"Alec!" I shout. Quickly he looks over at me and aims his bow at the vamp. Looking around the room I realize that my captor is the only vamp left in the room.

"Let her go!" Alec shouts with rage In his voice. Everyone gets unusually still in the room as their watching the scene unfold.

"You know, I like this one." The vamp says. I can hear the smirk in his voice as he speaks. "I might just drain her right here." The vamp leans in and licks my neck. I struggle in his hold again but stop when he tightens his hold around my neck. It's almost so tight I can't breathe. I look up from the floor to Alec. I notice he looks even madder than usual and his knuckles are turning white from his hold on his bow. "She smells like an angel." Suddenly the vamp bites down on my neck. A wave of pleasure is sent through me as the vamp feeds. It feels amazing. I can feel the fangs in my neck but it doesn't hurt. Everything slows down as it sucks my blood. I look out towards Alec and see him launch an arrow at the wall. I feel the pressure being released from my neck. The room  slowly starts to sway and as I look towards Alec I see his mouth moving but I hear no words and Before I know it I'm falling to the floor.

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