Love birds

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"So who's grave is it." Alec grunts when he catches me from falling on my face. Currently we're in a cemetery for what I have no clue.

"Mary Milligan, born January 10th, 1802. Died January 10th, 1878" I gasp as Izzy reads this off her phone.

"On her birthday?" I ask to which Izzy nods. "That's awful."

"What are we looking for?" Clary asks coming up on my left. We had left abruptly and jace had refused to tell us what we were coming here for.

"A cache of weapons" Jace responds. Why would there be weapons in a cemetery? "Stashed here with mrs. Milligan."

"Why are there shadowhunter weapons in a church yard?" Clary asks from beside me. She's got a point why would they be here.

"Because all of the ancient religions believe in demons." Izzy explains. "Or at least they used too"

"They forgot about the threat because we've been there to protect them." Alec says while looking at me. I make a funny face at him and then skip along to the graves to look for mrs. Milligan. John, Sarah, Amy, Dale, but no Mary.

"Excellent he's home, I'm outta here." I hear Izzy say. Clary says something to her but I can't hear it from where I'm standing. Finally Izzy responds to her. "Oh I wouldn't miss it for the world but I gotta find a Way into the hotel. don't I?" I quickly jog over to her and pull her into a hug.

"See you later, iz" I say while letting go.

"See you too" she begins to walk off but then stops and walks back over to me. " do me a favor while I'm gone."

"Sure, What is it?" I respond but let me just tell you I should not have said yes that fast.

"Hit on Alec some more, it's funny." She laughs. I scowl at her retreating figure. What did she mean more?

"Guys over here." Alec calls. I quickly run over to him. Looking down at the grave I see that he found it. On the stone it reads beloved servant.

" Who wants that on A tombstone?" Clary asks coming up to us.

"Someone who was in service to a cause Greater than themselves." Alec says to us while circling the grave. I begin to wipe dust and dirt off the tombstone along with jace.

"At least now she is." Jace jokes. Really your gonna joke at a time like this? I think to myself. He takes out his stele and traces the pattern on the top. As the stele goes over top of it it begins to glow. "Abracadabra"

"Wait you people seriously say that?" Clary asks almost causing me too laugh. No one in there right mind says that.

"No clary we don't." Jace smiles at her and then looks down at the tomb. Slowly Jace and Alec remove the top to reveal the cache. It was lauded with all kinds of knifes, daggers, and swords. Clary reaches in and grabs a seraph blade which seems to make Alec grumpy.

"Don't touch that you don't know how to use it." Alec argues. He's got a point she's only used one once and she didn't even move jace pushed the guy into the blade.

"What like at the pandemonium when I killed that demon?" Clary sasses at him.

"You didn't kill..." he goes to take a step forward but jace intervenes.

"Alec!" Jace yells. "I'm gonna show her the right way to use it."

I snort from my spot beside Ale. "More like fondle my sister." To my left I hear Alec start to laugh. Looking up I see my comment made both Jace and clary scowl at me. Scowl all they want but I'm right. After Alec finally stops laughing, Jace sighs.

"Do you see what you need in here?" Jace asks him. Alec looks down into the tomb and visibly saddens while shaking his head.

"No. there's no bow here, I need one." He sighs. "I gotta rune some arrows back at the institute, I gotta go."

"How are you gonna get back in the institute?" Jace asks panicked.

"I'll just go in the back they won't bother me if I'm alone." Alec says.

"Okay good go." Jace ushers him off while sneaking a glance at Clary. Alec begins to walk off but I stop him.

"Wait! Alec!" I jog over to him. "I'm coming too" he begins to shake his head no. He finally opens his mouth to say something but I stop him. "I'm not staying here while my sister and jace make out." He sneaks a glance at the two love birds and sighs seeming to have given in.

"Fine but stay close." I nod my head at him. That I can do, dang I really need some Jesus.
"So what exactly are you doing?" I ask Alec as I hop up on a table to sit on it.

"I'm runeing the arrows" he responds. Deciding that that's not a good enough answer for me I reach over and grab his stele. Quickly I stick it in the waistband of my jeans.

"Seriously aurora?" He complains while coming closer to me. "We need to hurry give it back."

"Nope!" I laugh. He sighs and keeps walking closer to me. Finally he stops right in front of me. He seems to have a lightbulb moment and smirks. Slowly he walks closer until he's standing in between my legs. He puts his hands on the table on either side of me and leans in towards my ear.

"Aurora, give it back." He whispers. "Or I'll tickle you" I gasp.

"You wouldn't." I say looking at his smirk. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see him lift up the stele.

"No I wouldn't but I did have to distract you." He was about to walk away but a voice behind him stops his movements.

"Alec" hodge says coming up to us with a mug of coffee. Alec spun around quickly almost falling as he saw hodge, meanwhile I'm trying to stifle a laugh. "I'm sorry if I was interrupting something."

"I Uh I..." Alec stutters as he looks in between hodge and I. It's adorable when he does that. "I Uh"

"Don't tell me." Hodge says walking closer. "I don't want to know."

"It's just you know," Alec tries to explain. I have been trying to hold back my laughs this whole time but I finally break. Both of them look at me as I laugh.

"Your aurora?" Hodge asks to which I nod my head with a smile. "Your valentines daughter."

I begin to kick my legs as I talk. "actually no. I was raised by Jocelyn but she's not my real mom and valentine is not my father."

"Why did Jocelyn raise you? if you dont mind me asking." Hodge asks. I shrug my shoulders but then respond.

"My Mom died when I was five and ever since then Ive lived with Jocelyn and clary."

"Well" he puts his mug in the air. "I'll leave you two love birds to it" this sends me into another fit of laughs. Why is it everyone thinks that me and Alec are a thing.

"Hodge." Alec calls. "Thank you."

"You remind me of me, Alec." Hodge says walking back over to us. "A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one." Alec scoffs turning his head the other way. "Hey..." hodge puts his hand on Alec's neck. "Don't make the same mistakes I did" finally hodge walks off leaving me and Alec alone.
I don't even know what happened at the end.

Steles or seraph blades?

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