Night children

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"Yeah this place isn't creepy." Simon pipes up from beside me. We're just outside of the city of bones and I 100% agree with Simon this place is really creepy.

"Don't tell me your afraid." Izzy chuckles at him.

"Are you kidding I was born afraid." At his sentence I almost die of laughter. "That sounded a lot better in my head."

"Let's check it out."Alec sighs stepping forward. I slowly follow considering I don't want to stand here alone. Clary and Simon make to follow but jace stops us.

"Stay here I want to make sure it's safe." He then walks off. Izzy seeming to sense my uncontrollableness links her arm with me and drags me along with her. We get about another ten feet away from Simon and clary before Alec stops us.

"If something happens to them that's on us." Alec says to jace while briefly glancing at me. "You know that don't you?"

"Yea..." Jace stutters. "And you know exactly what happens to us If valentine gets the cup before we do." Jace says making Alec look over at me. "She's lost everything Alec I know exactly how that feels"

I take in a sharp breath of air. I'm tired of everyone forgetting that I lost Jocelyn too. Clary's not the only one that wants her back. Izzy gives my arm a comforting squeeze which I return with a smile.

"And what's your problem with her anyway?" Jace asks Alec. "Your family used to always welcome strays."

Immediately I scoff at jace's words. I slowly pull my arm away from Izzy and stomp over to jace. "She's not a dog, Jace." I spit out in his face. I don't wait for a reply before I shove past him and walk over to a fire to warm my hands. After a few moments of looking at the fire I finally hear jace say that it's all clear. I was about to walk away but I hear someone walk up to my side. Sighing I look up to see Alec looking down at the fire.

"I'm sorry." He sighs still looking down at the fire. " I know hard this must be for you and it probably doesn't make it any better that jace and clary are acting like she was the only one effected by this."

"You don't have to be sorry." I sigh while rubbing my arms. "I just wish I didn't have to feel like I can't do anything about it." I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a tear drip on my hand. Slowly I turn to Alec and wrap my arms around him. It took him a while but finally he relaxed and hugged me back. It was warm and comforting. He was gentle but still held on tight. All in all I mentally thank him for doing this. I'm finally starting to feel like I fit in here. After awhile of him comforting me he pulls back and tells me he's going to go walk the perimeter. Slowly walking over to Izzy and Simon I groan when I see the look she's giving me.

"So, Alec huh?" She smirks. I only roll my eyes at her while trying to hold back a smile.

"Shut up." I grumble out at her. I turn around to talk to Simon as he sits in the van but when I look he's not there. I lightly hit Izzy on the arm to get her attention finally it works. "Hey Iz Where's Simon."

"I don't know" she exclaims frantically. To be honest Izzy doesn't strike me to be a person that would freak out like that but I guess that's just one more thing I learned about her. Quickly I jog over to jace and clary who are coming out of the entrance to the city of bones. Shortly after I get there the Lightwoods do too.

Clary seems to notice the shortage of people and looks around. I understand why she is worried, I am too. Simon has always been there for us. When I fell down at the park and broke my tooth Simon was there for me and When clary got bullied because she liked to draw Simon was there for her. He's like my big nerdy brother and I don't know what I do if I lost him.

"Where's Simon?" Is the first thing clary asks before pushing past us and going towards the yellow van.

"I don't know." Izzy says sounding a little less panicked than before. She didn't sound panicked just like she felt guilty. Stopping at her side I reach over and pull her Into a hug.

"It's not your fault, iz" I whisper in her ear. I barely feel her nod before I let go and turn towards clary who's is panicking.

"Simon!" She yells while running off. She gets to a clearing before we hear a new voice from coming up above. My first thought was god but that's not possible but then again apparently in the shadow world a lot of stuff is possible.

"Oh that's the mundanes name." The husky voice says. I look up above me and almost fall over when I see someone holding Simon over a railing by his foot. Intending to get Simon back I go to step forward but a warm hand clasps over my arm. I look back to see who it is and go figure, it's Alec. He's somehow always the first one to stop me.

"Careful, you'd be breaking the accords." Alec warns me. No matter how much I hate to say it, he's right I can't go around stomping over whatever laws the shadowhunters have their pretty scary people but most of the ones I've met so far are just big teddy bears on the inside, especially the Lightwoods.

"Your boyfriend's right, princesa." He says with a slight Spanish accent. Wait hold on boyfriend? Was he really talking about Alec. I hear jace try to stifle a laugh from behind me. Deciding he was quite annoying at the moment I swing my hand back and hit him in the upper arm at the same time as Alec. "The night children have broke no laws. We're negotiating the mundane unharmed for the mortal cup. The clock is ticking." He takes a pause for what I can only assume is dramatic flare. "Tick tock people."
Awww they hugged!

Raphael or Camille?

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