Little angel

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"I didn't give your memory's to the memory demon"Magnus explains as he sits down on the couch in front of me.

"Why not?" I ask genuinely curious about why he wouldn't get rid of them the same way he got rid of clary's.

"I don't think it's fair to keep hiding everything from you." Magnus sighs. "It's only fair I tell you, it's what your father would have wanted."

"You knew my father?" I gasp out. My father died when I was 9 and then my mother died the year after that.

"Everyone in the shadow world knew your father, he was a brave hunter, one of the best." Magnus states. "He saved my life many times as did I for him. He was a great man."

"So he was a shadowhunter?" I ask. This would make so much sense. My mind immediately goes back to when I was talking to Alec after I woke up from the vamp bite. Alec said he thought my father was a shadowhunter.

"Goldstark." He says. "That's your real last name. It's what I called you at the club." He sighs. " I wasn't completely honest with you at the club."

"What?" I ask him. I trust him though whatever he lied about it was probably for good reason.

"I said I left everything from before your mom died." He explains. "That's the lie, I left the memory of your parents but I made you forget they were shadow hunters. You were one too. That's why you have the natural instinct of a hunter."

"Of course I was." I sigh. "Izzy says shadow hunter blood bleeds true."

"Yes, it does but that's not what I mean." He gets up from his spot on the couch and sits back down next to me. "You lived in the LA institute with your parents. I erased all memories of that but I let you think you had a normal family."

"We're not done talking about this but I need my memories back for jocelyn ." I sigh Jocelyn raised me I need to find her. Magnus sighs and his hand gently lift off of the leather couch and hover in front of my face. A subtle blue light begins to surround them and suddenly I'm in a world of my own. Literally. My whole life, all of my memories, everything I've ever done. It all came back to me.

"You're a goldstark, aurora." My moms voice echos in my head. She sounded beautiful.

"Pick up that sword, little angel." My dad says. He was always gentle with his words. He never raised his voice, he only raised his words. "You're not aloud to give up, little angel. This is how you survive."

"That's how shadowhunters thrive, aurora. They find someone they would fight for. Someone who makes them want to live." A lady with snake eyes says to a little me as we're curled up on a couch with a book. I knew her. I remember her now. She was friends with my father and she was like an older sister to me. Much like dot is now. Zara Lowheart. An old friend. I need to find her again.

Lastly I see a little boy with light brown hair and brown eyes just like mine.

Slowly I come back to reality. Magnus gives me a gentle smile and welcomes me back into the land of the living. Suddenly a man with blue skin burst through the door looking worried.

"Magnus!" He shouts out of breath. " the circle found us."

With a sigh I stand up and pull my seraph blade out of my waistband and spin it a couple times. The circle was gonna pay. Aurora goldstark was going to be the death of them. I was going to destroy them. I rush out the door following Magnus. The circle had done nothing but hurt my family. They deserved everything that happened to them. As soon as I get out of the room My path is blocked by a circle member. Before he can even start to taunt me I swing the seraph blade across his neck. Blood gushes out of the wound and he collapses in front of me. Another one suddenly jumps in front of me. It makes me stumble back but I get my footing and attack. I was doing this for Jocelyn. And my parents. I kick his leg and make him fall to the ground and then I stab him through the heart. That was for every person I've lost because of the circle. I hate to say it but I'm actually having fun. It's exciting. Another walks around the corner and before he can stab me an arrow comes out of nowhere and land in his chest. With actual fear in his eyes the circle member falls down to his knees. With one kick to the chest he falls down and dies. I spin around and my eyes immediately find Alec. A huge grin lands among my face. He was here. I have so much to tell him. My gaze is broken when a seraph blade hits my side. I could feel it cut into my skin and I wince at the pain.

      It burned and I quickly fell against the wall behind me. Alec quickly jogs towards me and stabs the hunter with his blade. He drops his seraph blade to the ground and grabs my face in his hands. He looks me up and down for an injury and stops at my side. With little struggle He gets my stele from my sock and draws an iratze on my side. Beginning to feel better already I stand up straighter and throw my arms around Alec.

"Alec I have so much to tell you!" I say excitingly as I pull back from our embrace. "My name is aurora goldstark and I'm the daughter of Tatiana and Julian goldstark."

"The Julian goldstark?" Alec asks in shock. I just nod my head with a smile. "That's awesome aurora."

"I know."

Shortly after killing another circle member Alec leads me to another room where clary, Izzy, Magnus, and jace are all standing. With a shriek I rush towards Izzy and throw my arms around her.

"Iz!" I shout excitedly. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." She hugs me back extremely tight. I gasp for air and giggle a little. I pull back with a smile and walk over to clary.

"Hey sis." I say as I hug her. She hugs just a little less tighter than Izzy. Finally I go over to jace and give him a hug. He laughs and spins me in a circle.

"What you did with the button was real smart." He says out loud. I hear Magnus dramatically gasp from behind me and I turn to him with a smile.

"That's where my button went." He says with a look of fake hurt. He waves his finger at me and I smile even wider. "I'll have to keep a close eye on you."
Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I finally got over my writers block.

Will or jem?

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