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A/n: Surprise mother fuckers 🌶😈


*Private texts between Dua and Ally*

DuaL: Hey

Allysus: Hey babes what's up?

DuaL: can we talk about something kind of serious?

Allysus: sure, you know you can talk to me about anything :)

DuaL: it's something I've been keeping in for awhile now. I know I probably shouldn't tell you, but it's been killing me for months, and maybe that's why I've been so down lately.

Allysus: Aww Dua, Don't ever feel like you have to keep something hidden inside you, you can always tell me anything, and I will 100% never judge you, I promise. I love you ❤️

DuaL: you're such a good person ally, and I don't wanna lose you. that's why I've been keeping this in for so long, I have no idea how you'd react.

Allysus: Woah wait, this is about me? You've been keeping something in because of me?

DuaL: yeah... and I probably shouldn't even be texting you right now. I've had a couple of drinks and maybe I'm just making a mistake

Allysus: Dua, What is it? Just because this is about me, doesn't change that you shouldn't keep things in if it's bothering you. If it's bad I won't get mad, I'll be understanding because your my best friend and I love you so much

DuaL: Can you come to your door?


   Ally read Dua's text in her head, as her eyes widened in shock. She hadn't expected Dua to be in Texas, let alone at her door. The blonde then stood up, and walked towards her front door. She looked in the mirror that was hung on the wall, and groaned. "I look like a mess." She thought to herself, as she hesitantly opened the door, and was suddenly face to face with Dua; who looked like she had been crying.

All of Ally's prior cares had faded away, and Dua became her only concern.

"What happened?" Ally asked, Dua could hear the concern in her tone, and she looked down for a moment. "Cardi and I broke up." She admitted, and Ally's eyes went wide, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Dua. You poor thing." She said sympathetically, and Dua shrugged, "No, it's fine, I was the one who ended things." The brunette admitted, and Ally was about to say something, but Dua beat her to it. "I guess I just couldn't see a future with her, and there was something else, but— well, you know." She said bluntly, but Ally could hear something different in her tone, something she couldn't quite recognize.

"It doesn't seem fine... you're crying." Ally said gently, as she inched towards Dua who backed away, shaking her head as she wiped tears away. She scoffed as she reached into the back pocket of her high waisted skinny jeans, and pulled out her pack of cigarettes. "Want one?" She asked, and Ally shook her head, "You know I don't smoke. Neither should you, it'll kill you." She said, and Dua let out a short chuckle as she placed the cigarette between her lips, and pulled out her lighter. She lit it, and inhaled as she placed the cigarette between her index and middle finger.

"I suppose that's the point, no?" Dua asked, sort of rhetorically; letting a cloud of smoke escape her lips. Ally frowned, but before she could say anything, Dua beat her to it again, "Relax, it's a joke. I've been meaning to quit, guess I just got bigger things on my mind." She admitted, as she took another hit of her cigarette, and ash'd it gently as she stared at the ground. "Like what?" Ally asked softly, finally shutting the door behind her, as she stepped onto her porch with Dua. If Dua had been anyone else, she would've told her to come inside, and made her tea while comforting her. But she knew Dua, and she knew during her hard nights, she needed fresh air and was more content outdoors.

Dua fell silent, taking occasional puffs of her cigarette as she stared at her shoes. "The girls made a separate group chat without you, "interviewing" different girls to set you up with." Dua blurted out, breaking the silence. This caused Ally's eyes to go wide, "They what?!" She asked, and Dua shrugged as she threw her cigarette on the ground and put it out with her shoe.

"And I went along with it." She added, and Ally only stood there in shock, not really knowing how to respond. "We actually interviewed quite a few. Turns out a lot of girls are interested in you, and you'd probably be interested in them too if I'm being honest." Dua continued, as she lit another cigarette. If Ally hadn't been so stunned and confused, she would have reached for that cigarette and threw it towards the street.

"Why would you do that, and not tell me? I can see any of the other girls doing that behind my back, but you? You're supposed to tell me these kinds of things." Ally said, and Dua looked down, "Ally I— I did wanna tell you, but I guess the girls just convinced me that you deserved someone great, so I went along with it." She explained, and Ally's face softened a bit. "I hated every single one, and I pretended as if I liked them." She admitted, and Ally furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? If you hated them, what makes you think they'd be good for me?" She asked, and Dua continued avoiding eye contact, staring at her shoes.

"They were all great. All of them were gorgeous, and smart, and funny. Seriously, any one of those girls we "interviewed" would have been perfect for you, and probably made you happy." She said, her voice laced with anxiousness, and Ally furrowed her eyebrows. "If they were great, why'd you hate them?" She asked, clearly confused. Dua let out a sigh, finally looking up at Ally as she took another puff of her cigarette, letting out smoke with another sigh.

"At first I thought it was because you're my best friend, and no one in my eyes would ever be good enough for you. Ever. But then as interviews passed, and they talked about making you happy, and how beautiful you are, and all of the things they wanted to do with you, I realized it wasn't only because of that." Dua said lowly, as she stared at the shorter girl seriously. Ally had never seen Dua look nervous around anybody, she was always so confident and happy. Seeing her upset made Ally sad, it made her want to hurt anything that hurt the brunette.

"Then what was it?" Ally asked, her voice gentle and sincere, causing Dua to put her cigarette down, and stare at the floor as she put it out with her shoe again. The brunette released a sigh before she continued, "I didn't want anyone else doing those things with you, because I want to do those things with you." She admitted bluntly, but the nervousness in her tone was as clear as day. Ally's eyes widened again, as she stared at the taller girl in shock.

"Ally, I have feelings for you." Dua admitted cautiously, causing Ally to stare at her in shock.


A/n: bet y'all didn't see this one coming😈 What y'all think about Dua having feely's for Ally?

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