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A/n: So I started writing Kyriana One-Shots and the first chap is published 🌚 The books called "Kyriana One-Shots" ☺️


*Private Texts Between Ally and Dua*

Allysus: Hey Dua, can we talk?

Allysus: This is my fifth time texting you since the other night... please answer.

DuaL: Sorry, I've been busy. Had a few modeling gigs recently.

Allysus: Oh. Uh it's cool

Allysus: So can we talk?

DuaL: About?

Allysus: About what happened the other night.

DuaL: I already told you, there's nothing to talk about. I was drunk, I didn't mean anything I said.

Allysus: Really? Could've fooled me.

DuaL: Why do you even wanna talk about it anyways? It's not like you feel anything for me in that type of way

DuaL: So stop being so fucking persistent about it.

Allysus: Oh so now you just automatically know how I feel? It's not like you even gave me a chance to process it!

DuaL: Well it's been two days, you've processed. Care to elaborate now?

Allysus: So you admit you did mean what you said, about having feelings for me?

DuaL: Of course I meant what I said. Jesus Ally, I flew out to Texas at 1 in the morning just because I needed to see you. I kept thinking about your perfect fucking smile, and the way you laugh. I couldn't get you out of my head for months, and the other night it seemed unbearable. I just wanted to see your face, and I just wanted to be around you, because when I am my life is a little less shitty.

DuaL: So yeah, I meant it.

Allysus: Wait, you've felt this way for months, and you barely told me the other night??

DuaL: Yeah... at first I didn't wanna believe what I was feeling, so I tried to convince myself that it wasn't true, that my feelings were wrong. But the more time past, I found myself thinking about you constantly. I started thinking about different ways to make you smile, or to make you happy. I started thinking about how much more you deserve, than what you get.

DuaL: I started finding excuses to talk to you, finding every little reason to text you outside of the group chat. It didn't fully sink in till the girls wanted to set you up with someone, and I got so jealous, but I couldn't admit it till it was literally eating me up inside. I know it was random, and I'm sorry I just showed up and threw all of that at you. I should've waited, at least till I was sober, but I think we both know I tend to make not so good decisions.

Allysus: Please don't apologize, I'm actually really glad you told me how you feel. I'm not gonna lie to you; I'm still really fucked up from previous relationships. I'm a little bit damaged, and sometimes I can be a lot to handle because I'm pretty insecure. I don't want you to get impatient with me, because I still need a lot of time... but if you give me that time, I promise it'll be worth it, because I really like you too.

DuaL: Ally, I'm not like anyone you've ever been with before. I'm patient, and I understand what it's like to be hurt and not ready. I'd never pressure you into feeling like you have to rush into something with me, I just wanna show you that I'm different. I don't expect it to happen over night, and I don't wanna rush into anything at all. I just want you to be comfortable, and happy.

DuaL: We can take things at your pace, because I already know you're more than worth it, Ally.


A/n: I lowkey really fucking love dually

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