meeting someone new

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Ok i get why they call it the oven now... Its this big outdoor area that sort of looks like football stands except there longer and made of concrete and its in complete range of the sun so when you sit down it burns your ass. we were all grouped up with our sections, rookies in front, waiting for Mr.Farnsworth. Mr.Farnsworth is the band director, but everyone always calls him F or Farnsworth.

I was quietly talking to Robin, a junior flute, who was standing behind me when all of a sudden I heard...

"BAND TEN HUT!" Mr.Farnsworth yelled.

"PRIDE!" The entire band yelled.

Ok what the HELL?!?! I nearly jumped out of my skin! What kind of crap did I get myself into?!?!

"OK band," Mr. Farnsworth started, "lets start with warm up one."

And that's basically how the rest of practice went. Farnsworth would give us something to play, we would attempt it, and he would critique it. Then we would attempt it again and so on until he felt comfortable with it. After that, we would move on to something else.

Finally when practice was over, I went to find Kate since I was spending the night at her house tonight. When I finally saw her, she was talking to a really cute guy. He looked about six feet tall, brown eyes and dark brown hair that was spiked up. He was wearing tan khaki shorts and a white fitting T-shirt that you could see his six pack through...needless to say he did not look like your typical band geek he looked more like a hot bad boy.

Crap I can't go over there now why she's talking to some hot guy! I'll just wait until he walks off then I'll go over there. Yeah that's what I'll do.

"Kayla!" Crap... I've been spotted! I looked up to see Kate waving me over. Ok Kayla stay calm and don't embarrass yourself in front of the hot guy. I slowly walked over to Kate and the mysterious looking guy.

"Hey Kate!" I said when I got over to them.

"Kayla this is Jessie he just moved here from New York," Kate told me with a look on her face like she could already tell that I liked what I saw. I saw them looking at me waiting, oh crap speak kayla SPEAK!

"Hi," I said nervously looking down.

Ughhh I look and sound like a complete idiot! I look up to see him smirking at me. he knows he makes me nervous, and he looks like he would love to take advantage of that. Cause that's exactly what I need right now.

"So what are you lovely ladies planning on doing tonight?" He asked us but his eyes never left me. YAY!.... ( note the sarcasm here people) "Maybe we could hang out?" He asked us well I say us but he certainly wasn't looking at Kate when he was asking. If you get what I'm saying well thinking really. Crap he asked a question! I was about to tell Jessie no when Kate spoke up.

"Well actually I can't tonight I've got something I have to do to tonight," Kate told Jessie with a mischievous glint in her eye, she's up to something. I can feel it. "But Kayla however has no plans and would love to hang out with you tonight," she said with a smile.

"Actually I can't I have plans with Kate tonight." I told him.

"Actually she doesn't not until midnight at least which is when she needs to be at my house. Ok?" She said smirking.

"That sounds perfect," He told her then looked over at me and smirked. And with that Kate said goodbye then got in her moms car and left. I can't believe she just freaking left me! Oh when I get ahold of her she is sooo dead! "Well let's go cupcake," then he motioned for me to the parking lot...weird. I followed him until I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Oh hell no." I told him. He stopped and turned to look at me again with that stupid smirk!

"Such a naughty word to come from such a small person, cupcake."

"Yeah I say a lot of 'naughty' words Jessie. And by the way my name is Kayla not cupcake so remember that. And another thing there is absolutely no way in hell I am getting on a motorcycle!" I told him fuming.

"Well cupcake I can't change what you say so you can't change what I say. And as for you not riding a motorcycle then I suggest you find another way home..." Damn it! I sighed.

"Give me a helmet...but not ONE word!" I all but screamed at him he held up his hands in defense as he passed me the helmet.

"I didn't say a word." He told me as he climbed on the motorcycle. I took a deep breath then climbed on behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, I could feel him smirk. Once he knew I was safely on, he revved the engine and we were off.


ok so what do you think??? I know the chapter is short but don't worry the next one is

going to be longer!!!! Also i would still love to hear y'all's band stories so comment and

tell me all y'all's funny stories and vote at well! Also i have a friend whos writing a book

that you should totally check out! its called triplicities! heres the description!!!

Lexi Alexander is a 14 year old vampyre in Wisconsin. Not only is she trying to control her insane thirst, she has to endure many ability tests to find her elemental ability. If she doesn't she may loose her family. She is trapped not knowing what to do. To top all of this off, her parents are sending her to public school. She arrives not knowing what to expect, but she feels at ease and in control around a strange boy that's also new...Kyle Cruz. Join Lexi as she discovers everyone has secrets, tests by the Legion, love, and most importantly who she really is.

you should totally check it out! I've been reading it and its really good! also im going to

TRY to post thursday but if that doesn't happen then it will be up on sunday!

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