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Cryus POV~ I was sitting outside eating lunch with Buffy who was a beta and Andi who was a beta as well. Well I wasn't really eating I was actually staring at TJ who was an Alpha and who was the captain of the Basketball team and most popular, richest, strongest, kid at Jefferson high School .

Although when I say popular, I mean very popular, every girl and some guys has a crush on him and everyone wants to be his friend accept Buffy of course. Unfortunately he only hangs out with his team mates and the cheerleaders. Oh and if you're lucky to become his girlfriend or boyfriend, and be courted by him everyone will treat you like a queen or king. But if he dump's you, you better be ready for hell, because everyone will hate you, and people will even fight you.

I saw someone come by and to throw his tray away for him, and he got up, coming our way. As he walk by, I felt as if it was just me and only me and him in the world at the time, he looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes and winked. Can you believe TJ the most popular kid at our school wink at me ahhhh, Everyone looked at me, making me blush. "Did TJ just wink at you" Andi ask shocked and surprised. "I know if he does it again I'll break his neck" Buffy said. Me and Andi laughed at the comment and we all went to throw away our trays.

We walked to my locker so I could grab my health text book for my next period.

We all went our separate ways. I walk into health and TJ and his group of friends who surround him were already in class. I took my seat in the back. Our Health teacher Mrs.Witherspoon came in and everybody took their seats.

" Good morning class" she said, "Good morning mrs. Witherspoon" we all said.
"So today starts the first day of an important day, you guys have a project, a baby project."

"You all have been assigned partners, and your parents have already been notified on this project and who your partners are, they been ask not to share any information on this project until today.
So let's revival partners, shall we?"

"Mark and Susan"
"Devon and Dylan"
"Grodo and Haley"
"Terry and Jessie"
"Savanna and Willow"
"Harry B. And France's"
"Cyrus and TJ"

My heart froze, people began to whisper, while staring. Tj didn't turn around he just kept his body and eyes forward toward the board.

Ms Witherspoon finished naming partners.

"Now the objective of this project is to show what parenthood feels like, both partners are expected to put in same amount of effort, and at the end of this project we will check your results in how well you did, as well your required to make a birth certificate, with the last name of one of the parents, you are as well required to shop for clothes for this baby due to that fact you will be given a naked baby rapped in a blanket. Lastly you'll be required to spend Two months with your partner, any questions?, no, well class is dismiss." Ms Witherspoon said.

With that the bell rang, everyone left discussing their baby name or stuff that had to do with project. As I walked out I was Immediately push into the locker, I looked up to meet those beautiful green eyes of TJ"

"Hey babyboy be at my house tomorrow, here's the address and my phone number". Before walking away he groped my butt and winked".

Everyone started to whisper and stare at me. I grab my book and walk to my next class. As I entered I took my seat and began to text the good hair crew group chat.

Me: Guys you won't believe what happen in health class.

Buffy😈: Tj was pick as your partner for sum stupid baby project.

Me: Wait how did you know that?

Andi 🎨: The whole school is talking about it.

Jonnah😎: yea bro is all over
Social media.

Me: Really? I don't get why people care so much.

Buffy😈: Maybe it's the fact you're partners with the most popular Alpha here at school.

Andi🎨: Or maybe its the Fact that your Spending two months with the most popular Alpha here a school.

Jonnah😎: Or maybe it's the fact that your Spending Two Months with the most popular Alpha, who is as well the son of a billonare.

Me: Ok now I'm starting to see the big deal here. Ttyl

I put my phone away as the teacher began to teach.

               <<<~Time skip~>>>

As I walk through the door of my house I was greeted by both my parents with excitement in their eyes.

"Congratulations on being a parent." they both yell.

"We're so proud of you honey" "we can't wait for you to have a actual baby, I can see it now You and your mate bring life into this world living a happy life. My mother said smiling.

Yea son, have you found your mate yet or are you courting someone right now? We want a grandchild before we die. He said chuckling.

No dad I having found them yet and I'm not courting anyone. And as of right now the fake baby I will be given tomorrow should hold you guys over because I'm only 17 I said.

Oh well and but your stuff down and freshen up, and dress nicely, your partner Tj, his parents, you know, the owners of Technote Core industrial A.K.A the billionaires, have invited us to their mansion to have dinner, to discuss arrangements on this project and to congratulate you two on becoming parents." my mother said smiling more.

I was wondering why they were dressed so nice today.

"Ok" I said as I headed upstairs to do as I was told. However my body felt a little weirder than normal but I just ignored the feeling. And hop in the shower.

Thanks for reading this story, promise it's going to get better and better. Leave a like and comment if you want to and as always love you💚.

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