Ch8~School 2

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TJ P.O.V~ AS I walked out the nurse office angry at Cyrus, because he told Andi and Buffy our secret, I was met with death glares from both of them. Jonah and Reed must have left. Good, I don't want them around my Omega. Anyways I walk past Andi and Buffy, ignoring them both and walk to cafeteria for lunch. Fun fact my butler Albert comes every day and work in the school Kitchen and prepares my lunch and serves it to me.

Cyrus P.O.V~

I walked out the nurse office to see Both Andi and Buffy.

"Are you ok?"Buffy ask.

"Yea, just mirror bruises" I replied with walking out the Nurse waiting room into the hallway.

"Where's Jonah and Reed?" I ask

"They went to write a statement for you, on what happen" Buffy said.

"So how was it with you know who in there" Andi ask.

"Yea considering, he a complete ass for not defending you, like he should have" Buffy added.

"Well we made up, so it pretty good, except the awkward sex talk, with the nurse who is super nice." I said smiling.

"Wait you to made up?" Andi ask.

"Yea why would you forgive him so easy like that" Buffy said both of them now standing in front of me.

"Yea, he apologized, and I forgave him, because I love him and he loves me." I said pushing through them walking forward.

"Cyrus you only feel like that because you two are mated making you obligated to love him no matter what, if he didn't mate you, you would still be mad at him." Buffy said.

"Cyrus, she's kinda right. Because you two are mated, he knows your going to give in easily to him and obey him, because you have no choice , because he's your mate and alpha." Andi added

"That manipulative ass hat" Buffy said.

"Guys, he not manipulative, he actually senserioly apologized, and meant it, and I forgave him not because we mated or because he's my alpha, but I forgave him, because I wanted to, because that's the right thing to do now if you don't mind can we get off this topic I'm hungry." I said standing in front of both of them before turning around in walking into the cafeteria.

"Whatever you say" they say in sync.

~Time skip~

we grabbed our lunch trays and sat down in our usual spot. I looked down at my food in disgust, then looked up to meet Tj Gorgeous green eyes. He smiled and laugh at my face expression. He then signaled Albert his waiter to come to him. He then whisper something in his ear.

Albert then approach my table pushing a cart with a gold platter.

He then stopped in front of me. And place a napkin in my shirt, and place my silverware in place, then he put a plate in front of me, he placed so many delicious foods in my face, my eyes instantly lit up.

I noticed everyone eyes were now on me again. I look down.

"Cyrus I must say you being his omega have it's perks." Buffy said taking some food off my plate. I laugh and smiled and began to eat.

Majority of people took their eyes off me and continued to carry on what they were doing before, while others watch me in silence.

Tj P.O.V~ " what was all that about?" Kira the captain of the cheer team ask me?

I quickly came up with lie.

"Uhh... I wanted to impress Ms.Witherspoon, I said pointing to her, as she sat eating her lunch at the teacher table."

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