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TJ POV~ "You did what?,why? It's no even that big of a deal". I yelled at my parents.

Tj it is a big deal, you're spending two months with same person for once, because let's be honest son you're a hoe. So this might be an opportunity for you to actually get to know someone for who they are and not just get in their pants and leave, and on top of that we're getting a grandson that your going to help take care of." My mom said making sure be extra with last part. "Because if you're anything like your father, changing diapers, and feeding the baby Is something I know you won't do." My mother said laughing.

"Hey I did help with Tj" my father said chuckling,

" yea, sure. help him become a jock and a hoe" my mom said laughing making me Glare at her.

"Anyway it's just a dinner for us to meet the nice young man and his family to congratulate you two on parenthood, as well to arrange when you'll go over to his house, and when he'll come here." My father said. "Although your mother and his mother were having a conservation on something that they think could be the best solution in making this project fill so real." My dad said.

"Enough chit chat go freshen up and get dress, where something nice they'll be here any minute, we can talk about that later." My mom said.

I went to my room to do as I was told.

<<<~Time Skip~>>>

Cyrus POV~ We arrived to the gate, and I was just at awe of how beautiful his home is. The gate began to open

We drove to the front door

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We drove to the front door . Getting out. We knock on the door. And a few seconds later, what I'm guessing,  their butler open the door and greeted us.  "Welcome to the Kippin Manner, it's a pleasure to have you." He said.

"Thank you" we said in sync.

"Their they are, we're so happy you made it" a middle age woman said whom I'm guessing is Tj mother.

"You must be my son in law she said hugging me, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Tj's mom" she said.

"Thank it's a pleasure and meeting you as well." I said smiling

"Cheryl, Len" it is a pleasure in meeting you again as well." Tj mom said

"Same here" my mother said hugging her.

"Wait you guys already met?"I ask confused.

"Yup me and Wonda go cycling together every Thursday and Sunday, We get coffee together everyday. We even get our hair and nails done together. Speaking of we still on tomorrow for coffee and our cycling class?" My mother said. 

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