13- The Envelope 

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Cyrus P.O.V~ The alarm clock went off at 6:00 am. Both Tj and I woke up. "Good morning" Tj said and trying to kiss me, but I quickly motion myself out the bed, only to fall. Damn it, he fucked me to hard last night.

I heard him laugh, then he came over to try to help me up, I pushed him a way saying "I got this I don't need your help" in a annoyed tone.  Considering I am still upset/mad about last night conversation. With that he put on some sweatpants and went out the room and down stairs to the kitchen I'm assumed.

I finally got off the floor, waddling to bathroom.  I took a shower and did my morning routine and got dress for school. As I came from out the bathroom,  I smelt the most delicious breakfast. 

I  went downstairs to see Tj cooking, I must admit, even though I'm upset/mad at him and giving him the silent treatment he looks good when he's without a shirt and cooking.

"Look who made it off the floor and is walking funny" Tj laughed and smirked at me as I waddled to the kitchen island to take a seat. I just rolled my eyes at him and got on my phone texting Andi and Buffy that I would be by soon to pick them up shortly.

Breakfast is served, Tj said placing a plate in front of me and one down for himself. Then he poured us some orange juice in a cup.

I began to eat.

  "What, no thank you Tj for making me breakfast? or thank you for the glass of orange juice.  What is wrong with you you seem a little off?" Tj asked

I continue to give him the silent treatment and continued eating.  He just sat there and looked at me waiting for me to respond. Instantly he snatched my plate from me.

"Cyrus is this about last night" he asked

"and if it was?" I asked in a sassy annoyed tone

"oh wait, your my superior, let me not talk to you like your my friend, you know what I have a idea why don't I not talk to you at all, you know what? that's a great idea, I think I'll continue ignoring you" I said to Tj getting up to walk away before he forcefully grabbed my wrist.

"Sit" he said between the grit of his teeth

"Or what...your going yell at me, punish me, or are you going to use the word Alpha against me" I said angrily

"Cyrus sit down" he said this time in his alpha voice

"look at me I'm a big stupid alpha, I boss Cyrus around , no job Cyrus , no alpha friends Cyrus, rules, rules, rule's well u know what I have to say to your rules...

"Cyrus Goodman don't you dare"  Tj said slapping the table with his hand making a loud sound

"fuck them" I said

He immediately push into the seat

"you know what, sure,  that what you think, hell that probably what your friends think too, Tj's nothing but a big stupid alpha, who won't let Cyrus around other alphas Because he insecure, and he also for no apparent reason controlling of Cyrus life. Since you think that, fine talk to any alpha you want, go get that job,  like you said fuck my rules, I don't care, I'm tired of protecting you from what you nor you ignorant ass friends can't see.  I Tj kippen am no longer your alpha, don't come crawling back to me, or ask me for help, when the things I been tryna to protect you from, bite you in the ass"  Tj said walking off, heading up stairs.

My heart fell into a thousand pieces, he couldn't be for real, of course he's not, he'll be back under me acting super protective the minute I come contact with another alpha.  And what possibly could he protecting me from, his reputation, he's so full of shit,

well since he said he's no longer quote on quote my alpha, I don't have to listen to him, or follow his stupid rules

I grabbed my keys and headed to the spoon to pick up Buffy and Andi to tell them the good news I'm free from his bullshit.

                                    ~Tj P.O.V~

"I don't know Dennis, maybe I did the right thing letting my omega free, and not hovering over him, maybe I was over reacting" I said to Dennis over the phone.

" Over reacting, over reacting, are you kidding me, Tj letting him free, without you're supervision and constant protection, was the stupidest shit you could have done. he could be in more danger then we could imagine, we don't know the alphas he coming in contact with, and who they might work for, we don't who is watching him, waiting for the right moment to snatch him up and use him to their strength because they know he'll be your weakness... they don't care that he has nothing to do with what we have going on, they could careless. In fact they could and would kill him because they know how much he means to you, they know that he's your soulmate, and they know the death of him, will fuck with you bro"

"You're right, but I can't just run back to him, and ask for him to forgive me, I'll look weak to him. like I'm pussy whipped and he'll mistaken that and try to use that to his advantage and beside I doubt if I ask him to be my omega again he'll say yes. In fact he would either make get rid of all my rules and stop hovering over him so much or refuse to comeback, fuck I blame those fuckers for this . I still can't believe that they spied on me and gathered that much info with out me knowing.

" you're right if you run back to him and ask you'll look like a little pussy whipped bitch to him. Don't worry it'll be a matter time till one of those alphas he fuck with get a good sniff of his pheromones and be all over him and he'll only want you, so he'll begging for you to save him or that might not be the case he could just release his pheromones and just beg you to fuck him senseless. And remember bro just because you told you him that you're no longer his alpha you two are still mates, meaning you two are bonded for life, whether you or him don't like it until death do y'all apart. And oh yea they're some sneaky ass fuckers, don't worry though I got our boy Rico doing a inside job getting some info on them now, as we speak, they want to fuck with you, we'll show them not to fuck with you, alright bro I got to go, peace." Dennis said

"Peace" I said hanging the phone up

There I sat on the edge of the bed holding a envelope that I received the the day after me and Cyrus mated. Inside the envelope was a picture of me and Cyrus cuddling the night we mated, with a circle around Cyrus head, and on the back read a message

"So I see you mated, he doesn't look to bad, maybe I should I give that ass a try the way you did, then maybe kill him after... or you can give me all your supply of drugs, so that I can become the new powerful drug lord and nobody dies or get hurt... your choice lover boy, time ticking!"

                         Author note:
Random update hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Now you guys see why Tj is a dick towards Cyrus and always over protecting of him, the guy has a lot on his chest, to be only 18 . Tell me what do you think. do u think the circumstance that Tj is going through justify his actions on how he been treating Cyrus, from the rules, like no talking to alphas, and not telling anyone they're in a relationship to the way he aggressive with Cyrus? Let me know in the comments, this chapter contains 1375 words and as always love you guys and stay tune, it keeps getting better and better!~MW💚

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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