The encounter

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"Hey watch it!" A tall blonde shouted

"Walk much?" A stalky brunette scoffed

"Move!" A red head commented.

Elsa ignored them all as she weaved her way through the crowd going the opposite way as many running Into nearly all of them. She reached the end of the hall and jumped out of the mass of people catching her breath. Her books were clenched so tight to her that her knuckles were pale white. She looked at her messed up uniform and her perfectly braided hair sticking out everywhere. She released a puff of hot air leaning against a wall sliding down it in distress.

All of that just to get to a stupid class on time. All of this could have been avoided if Elsa Was more involved and more demanding to make he parents stay. After her parents tragic death on a boating business trip her and her dear sister Anna were moved to a new town a new school and they had to leave all their friends behind. This was her second day of her first week at a new school in the middle of the year and she already hated nothing more.

She spotted her strawberry blonde haired sister down the hallway talking with a few girls and laughing. At least she was adjusting to life here alright. Elsa glanced away and turned her attention at the fading hallway, it was too late.

Her sister waved goodbye to her new friends and skipped down the hallways to her sister in a rather delightful mood "Hey sis" she said positively perky.

Elsa groaned at her sisters usual attitude as she blew hair out of her face and fixed her dark blue stretchy jacket and unruffled her matching skirt.

Her sister didn't seem fazed what so ever, her smile stayed where it belonged and was brighter then ever "What's wrong?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

To be honest Elsa didn't want to bring her burden onto her carefree sister so she waved her off "Nothing..just a bit distressed that's all" she said lying right through her teeth as she mustered up a smile not even comparing to Anna's as she stood straight once again clutching her books in one hand and bag in the other.

The other rolled her eyes "Your such a terrible liar" she commented in a playful tone with a small wink "It's your second day Elsa" she said moving closer to her sister placing her hands on the others shoulders "I'm sure you can make some friends" she said sounding like the nagging mom Elsa knew she would become.

For once Elsa felt like the younger sibling. She tried to avoid gaze with the other but Anna wouldn't allow it. She sighed "I don't need friends, I have books" Elsa said playfully as she slumped her shoulders her jacket falling down once again.

Anna rolled her eyes once again, a double whammy as she released the other "Just try okay? For me?" She practically begged with her usual puppy dog eyes that got her usually anything.

Elsa groaned "Not the eyes" she mumbled as she stared at the other before cracking "Alright Anna I'll try" she said holding up her hands in a signal of defeat

She bounced in delight clapping her hands once "Great!" I'll see you in Chemistry" Anna promised before walking away with dignity and happiness

The platinum blonde giggled watching her sister strut away she nearly didn't notice the late bell. Her eyes went wide, that's what she was trying to avoid in the first place. She shook her head and looked left and right going straight and up the stairs. She ran now and nearly skid past the room. She stopped in front and fixed all her clothes smoothing out her hair not having enough time to fix her tangled braid.

She took a deep breath "Make friends" she said "It's not that hard" she commented to herself as her hand latched onto the handle she twisted it open and stuck her head in.

The whole class turned to her blank looks on their faces. Elsa cleared her throat and scurried in heading to the back of the class "Sorry" she mumbled softly.

Her math teacher watched Elsa but said nothing she just went on talking "Take out your text books and notebook you will be doing work from the book today" she stated clearly while receiving groans in return

Elsa did nothing but dig into her small sling over backpack and found a number two pencil and her notebook pulling them out and setting them neatly on her desk. She turned her head and looked straight foreword before feeling a light tap on her shoulder.

Everything inside her stiffened and went cold as she turned her head slightly to see a platinum haired male with a good and strong figure and a dashing smile that made Elsa freeze in place without even a second thought. Her mouth gaped open as she eyed the well suited individual.

The boy gave a small barley audible chuckle "Do you have a pencil" he asked softly as he leaned foreword and pursed his lips enough to make Elsa forget how to speak.

She sat there staring at him like an idiot for thirty seconds or more before he cracked a wide smile that brightened up the entire dim lighted classroom "Miss?" He asked in a scratchy but charming tone

Elsa shook her head, frazzled, before her eyes landed back onto him "I'm sorry" she said immediately as she took out a spare pencil from her bag and shakily extended her hand to him.

He shook his head obviously enjoying this. He grabbed the pencil grazing his fingers onto hers "Thanks" he said sweetly as he tapped the pencil against the desk as he never took his eyes off of her.

Elsa immediately turned foreword her cheeks turning as red as the overly used makeup on her teachers face. She was too embarrassed to look at him let alone speak to him.

"Hey" the boy said in a hushed whisper as he glanced back from the teacher back to Elsa "Your new here right?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair

She nodded loosing her voice within seconds. How could he have known that, she thought no one payed attention to her.

His eyes scanned her before his flashy smile returned "Thought so, I would have remembered you" he said making Elsa melt, literally she felt like melting in her chair from how hot her cheeks were getting

She couldn't even contain her blush it demanded to be seen. She had no idea how to respond to that, her blush and awkward smile said it all

"Jack, I'm a senior" he said continuing to talk not being bothered by her behavior.

Elsa finally turned to the boy her blush mostly under control becoming faded her pale sparkling skin returning "E-Elsa" she said stammering "Senior" she replied hoarsely

He extended a hand unwavering and straight, elsa did the same although her hand was shaky and sweaty. He didn't focus on that, he just kept his gaze on her eyes as he grasped her hand "Well Elsa, senior, I hope to see you around" he commented in his dreamy voice before releasing the wonderful grasp he held on Elsa's hand and heart.

She twisted in her seat looking back at the teacher pretending to focus "I hope to see you as well" she said in her head as a small smile curved onto her lips in a bright fashion.

Maybe she could get used to this school.


AUTHORS NOTE: Hey everyone! Well this is my second Jelsa and since the other one did pretty well ought I'd make another. I hope this is okay this is how I would see them Elsa quite ain't social and Jack stud and out going I hope it's alright! She will get her powers but a bit later and it's a bit of a shock, and Jack already has his just I like clear it up! More chapters to come enjoy! WARNING WARNING WARNING: Hans will be gender bent and there will be Rapunzel, Eugene (Flynn), Merida, and hiccup!

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