A day out

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(HI GUYS! Alright I know this is LONG over due but it's out! This is really just a chapter leading up to a better one so just be prepared! I have I much stories and homework and tumblr to keep up with I don't know what to do with myself! But anyway here it is I hope you enjoy! It's dedicated to my two crazy friends @snowcat118 and @Anna629 who has been bugging me so much! Thank you for yor support! Love you!)

Elsa woke up to an uncontrollable ringing phone. She groaned as she raised herself off the bed like a zombie. She glared over at her phone, maybe she didn't like this having friends numbers thing, she had more sleep before.

She rubbed her eyes slinging her feet off the bed and stood up. She threw her hand on top of the phone and picked it up, 108 text messages, what the hell were they talking about at 8 in the morning?!

She didn't even bother reading the long list of text "What the hell are guys texting about at 8 in the morning and why am I included?!" She texted with a huff as she slumped back down on her bed

Suddenly the text just stopped, she was about to lay back down and sleep when she head multiple buzzes at one "Elsa!" They all texted, there was two more numbers including this time, She was guessing Eugene and hiccup

"Morning Sleeping beauty ;)" one of the unknown numbers texted

Before she could ask who it was Punzie replied "Shut up Flynn!"

"You sleep long" Merida texted

"Long?! It's 8 o'clock!" Elsa texted back in defense

"Alright long for us" Punzie added

"Sorry Elsa" one of the unknown numbers texted

"Hiccup?" Elsa texted, she didn't want to set their numbers wrong

"Hiccup" he said almost before she even sent her text

"We'll hi" She texted back "What are you guys even texting about" she asked

"Were planning to go to the bowling alley today" Punzie texted back, I could hear her excitement through the text

"At around 12" Flynn replied

"So we included you cause your coming with us" Merida basically demanded

"Don't I get a say in it" Elsa texted bak jokingly, she was glad to have met them, that was Anna could stop bugging her

"Nope" they all texted

A wide smile spread across her face she was glad to be wanted "And before you ask" Punzie texted

"Jack is gonna be there" Flynn said finishing her sentence, they made a cute couple

"I was gonna ask" she said lying through her phone

"Sure you weren't" hiccup commented

"Hey I thought you were supposed to be the nice one" Elsa texted back teasingly

"I am!" Hiccup replied

"We still have a problem though" Elsa texted already starting to get ready

"What?" Merida replied

"It's only 8 o'clock" Elsa said teasingly

"We said were going bowling at 12, doesn't mean we're not gonna meet up beforehand ;)" Punzie replied, it was cute how perky she was

"Put on your shoes" Hiccup chimed in

"We're be there in ten!" Flynn said right after hiccup

Elsa just stared at the screen, ten minutes!? She was sill in her pjs how was she supposed be ready in ten minutes.

She hoped off her bed and ran I her closet, she wouldn't have cared usually but Jack was going to be there.

She was acting like such an idiot, despite what Merida and Punzie said, she still didn't think he liked her.

The weather was finally nice for now so she took out a frilly summer polka dotted dress, it was sterling white like her hair with blue dots, and she found blue flats, seemed good enough for bowling, it's not like anyone would care anyway.

I heard my door groggily creak open as soon as I slipped on my flats "What are you doing" Elsa heard Anna groan as she rounded the corner her busy fiery red hair following above her

Elsa put my hand over her mouth and chuckled as she stared at her. Anna merely just rolled her eyes "Ya, ya, I look like a troll now answer my question" she said flipping down onto my bed

"I'm going out" She said with a small shrug

This got her attention as she perked up and opened her eyes but stayed laying down "Who with and where?" She asked

"With the group, were going bowling" Elsa said not able to control my smile

"At eight in the morning?! The alleys not even open" she said rolling her back to me

"We'll were not going straight there, obviously" she stated in a matter of fact tone

"We'll then, where are you going" she asked again her interest in the topic slowly fading

She thought for a moment before giving a shrug she couldn't even see "I don't know actually" she said suddenly feeling self conscious about her outfit

"We'll wherever your going have fun, and don't die" Anna said having to put that in there

Elsa giggled and jumped on her sister "Why do you have to be so weird!" Elsa teased

Anna made a big huff as her sister jumped on her "That's like asking why we need oxygen to breath" Anna scoffed sarcastically with a wide smile

Elsa moved off her making a 'Mhmm' sound when a car beep sounded "Bye Anna!" Elsa said in a chipper voice

Anna just groaned as she shoved her face into the mattress. Elsa took that as a goodbye and giggled as she leapt out the door. A brand new, gray blue, CJ-7, jeep was sitting in her driveway. She saw Punzies nearly whole body hanging out the window, Flynn holding her waist making sure she didn't in fact fall out, Merida and Hiccup in the back seat observing the weird ass scene in front of them and most importantly, Jack, with a wide smile in the drivers seat, waiting.

She hoped she wasn't too dressy for wherever they were going. She took one last look at herself before Punzie shouted "Come in on the right!" She shouted making huge finger signs to the right side of the car

Elsa giggled with a wide smile as she bounded up and into her dream car. There was barley a spot for her but they managed, it helped that nearly all of Punzie was sticking out of the car

"Surely this can't be safe" was the first thing Elsa said as she buckled in and looked straight foreword

Jack made a muffled cough "Who said anything we ever do is safe?" He asked with a wide grin, and with that they were off.

Elsa didn't even know where they were going, bowling didn't start till 12 and it was 8:12. She hoped they had a plan, and oh boy was her wish granted

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