Friends and a foe

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Elsa jotted down notes from here to there only when they seemed important. Anna and Elsa hadn't spoken after the beginning of class. It was silent the only thing audible was the teachers scratchy dim voice. She was relived when she heard the bell ring, next was lunch. She sprung up and ran out of the room not letting her sister even say goodbye she was too anxious, or was it nervous, either way she had this unsettling pit in her stomach.

She made her way back other locker moving with the crowd this time . She stopped at her locker and opened up nearly immediately basically throwing her books inside as she got out her lunch money she tenderly closed the locker door shut taking a deep breath along the way.

She took all the short cuts making her way to the cafeteria in a hurry. When she arrived she stood outside the doors her eyes flickering with panic as they flashed to look at all the people in the one crowded room. She took two weary steps back her breathing picking up as her heart pounded straight through her ear drums. She was ready to bolt and almost did before her savior placed their hands on her shoulders.

Of course it was her sister the one person who knew how to calm her down "Just breath, you can do this" she whispered softly in her ear.

Elsa was still a bit timid to go but she followed her sister guidance and walked inside with her "How are you so calm" Elsa asked looking down at her sister as she walked through the lunch line getting what she wanted.

Somehow that was funny to her seeing as she laughed softly and followed the other "It's easy, just be yourself" she said with a slight shrug.

Her sister couldn't help but sigh in response "That's easy for you to say, everyone loves you because well your like able" Elsa commented a hint of jealousy in her tone

Anna sighed and glanced at the other "Elsa your wonderful, and your my big sister your supposed to be setting an example" she stated but all she got was a tilt of the head and a small smirk in response. She groaned rolling her eyes as she pushed her sister away from the line and eyed Jack "Got set an example" she said with wide eyes, and with that she was gone , whisked away by her new friends.

Elsa looked wearily at the table before walking foreword taking sturdy steps as she tried to keep her cool.

When she arrived at the table Jacks head immediately snapped up "Hey Elsa ya made it" he said in a cheerful tone.

She nodded and slid down at the seat across from him and his friends "Just couldn't pass up the offer" she said with a slight grin as she crossed her legs and looked down at her food.

Jacks smile only got wider "Oh yeah, uh here are my friends" he said waving a hand in front of two girl and two guys with smiling faces.

Elsa gave a small wave "Hi, friends" she said mockingly which received a small giggle from the two girls and and nod of the head from the guys.

"This is Punzie, or Rapunzel" he said waving a wand in front of the short haired brunette with big eyes tannish skin and a bright smile like jacks. She gave a small wave in return "Hi" she said extending her hand with a elsa gladly shaking it in return.

Jack moved right along the the sea blue eyed girl right next to Rapunzel with Frizzy fiery red hair "This is Merida, she's a tough chick but pretty good when you get to know her...most of the time" he said with a sly smirk

Merida rolled her eyes and shook Elsa's hand "Don't listen to him, he's lucky to have me as a friend" she said shooting Jack a glare

He shook it off with a small chuckle as he moved to the shaggy haired brunette boy with green eyes next to Merida "This is Hiccup, and he's that is his name" he said nodding toward the boy.

Hiccup had a wide grin "Hi, nice to meet you" he said in an overall sweet tone as he gave her a small tip of his head.

Last but not least was the flip over brunette with golden eyes "This is E-" Jack started but was cut off by the boy "It's Flynn, and may I say you are gorgeous" he said in a rather charming manner. Elsa, Jack and Rapunzels cheeks all turned red as Elsa gave a small smile, Jack looked away trying to hide his blush.

Rapunzel slapped Flynn on the chest "Cut it out!" She said in a frustrated tone as she shot a glare at the boy. Flynn found it funny because he chuckled at her actions "I'm just kidding Punzie" he said softly as he wrapped an arm around the girl and pulled her close planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Elsa was more confused now en ever and her face clearly showed it because Merida piped up "There dating" she said not bothering to look up from her lunch. Jack and Hiccup nodded in confirmation.

She nodded beginning to understand "And his name isn't Flynn either, his real name is Eugene" Jack said in a superior tone.

It was Eugene's turn to blush bright red as he groaned "Do you have to tell everyone that, why can't you just leave my name alone" he asked sounding like a three year old.

Merida and Elsa giggled in unison as did Jack and Hiccup. Rapunzel kissed him softly on the cheek "Don't worry I still love you" she said with a warm smile that Eugene gladly returned.

"That's my messed up group" Jack said with a playful glare and a small chuckled "Forget someone?" An unknown red headed girl asked as she slid down into a seat next to Jack.

Elsa look at Merida and Rapunzel for any sign of showing who she was and all she got was a roll of the eyes from Merida and a shrug of the shoulders from Punzie.

Jack smiled "Na of course not" he said with a cheeky grin "Elsa this is Hans" he said waving his hand in between the two of them.

Elsa gave a small smile and extended her hand. Hans looked her up and down before she pursed her lips "Pleasure" she said in a sappy bitter tone before she twisted toward Jack.

She pulled her hand in and stared blankly at this Hans girl. She didn't seem like the type of person Elsa would be friends with, but after all none of them did. She liked Punzie, Merida, Hiccup and Eugene but that bitter welcome wasn't sitting right with her.

Hans started chatting up a storm with Jack causing Elsa to look away. The girl put her hands on Jack whenever the time was presented, it was like she was trying to claim him. Elsa felt jealousy and anger bubble inside of her as she watched, she forced herself to look away.

Elsa became engaged in a conversation with the girls and guys trying her best to act like that little mishap didn't bother her. True she barley even knew Jack, just met him actually, but she couldn't help but like that smile, those eyes.

Lunch could not have gone by slower, she got to know That hiccup had a black dog called toothless, Merida was pretty good with a now and arrow, and that Eugene and Rapunzel have been an item for over a year now.

Elsa had done what she thought of as the unthinkable, she had made friends.

AUTHORS NOTE: I hope this representation of everyone is okay, I'm worried in that department but other then that I hope everything's alright. Comment if you like or if you have some constructive criticism always appreciated! Votes as well! I love you all :) more to come soon

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