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A kiss, Elsa had kissed him. Oh my god. She didn't know what she was doing, she got swept up in the moment, all of these excuses fled through her mind as their lips moved in sync.

Jack didn't seem to show any signs of stopping and neither did Elsa. She got lost in the moment as she wrapped and arm around his neck bringing him closer, God his lips tasted delicious, just like she dreamed.

They tasted like peppermint and had that cool after flavor, just like his personality, he was so perfect, and Elsa had gotten to kiss him. Jack could say the same about her, her lips tasted like candy, sugar plums to be exact, and despite everything her lips were warm and plump.

Everything about her drove Jack crazy, in a good way. She was so adorable, he was at a loss for words as to why he didn't do this sooner.

Instinctively he wrapped a protective arm securely around her waist brining her onto his lap. He was so glad he met her, the instant he lied eyes on her he was falling for her, falling hard.

He was about to ask for entrance when he heard some small snickers in the background. He tried to ignore them and he did so until they started to bubble over into a full on chuckle.

They both regretfully pulled away and snapped their heads to their friends "What the hell do you want?!" Jack asked obviously wanting to get back to what he was doing before

Elsa had a blush planted on her cheeks the entire time, by the time Jack started yelling her entire face had gone red

Punzie couldn't contain her laughter as her and Merida started curling up in a ball on the floor laughing "What?! What?!" Jack demanded as he brought Elsa closer to him protectively

"Geez guys get a room!" Eugene said with a small smirk trying to contain his laughter

Elsa face lite up like a Christmas tree, as red as Rudolph's nose, she had forgotten they were there.

"I-I knew- I knew you guys liked each other!!" Punzie screeched as she continued to giggle

"And you both of ya denied it!" Merida added with a laugh

"Haha" Jack mocked rolling his eyes as he turned back to Elsa "Sorry" he whispered softly as he nibbled on her ear

Elsa tried to conceal her moan making Jack crazy as she pushed him lightly "It's fine" she said looking towards the others "We should've gotten a room" Elsa said teasingly making the other laugh

"So what now? Jack are you finally gonna join the group and become a couple?" Hiccup asked placing a hand behind him leaning back onto it

Jack looked towards Elsa "I don't know" he said softly as he lowered his head and nudged Elsa's softly as he kissed her cheek sweetly "It depends on how Elsa feels" he said so delicately it sounded as if Elsa wasn't making a life altering decision

She looked Into his eyes, she liked Jack, a lot, and he liked her, but what about Hans, what would she do, she didn't want to make a new enemy especially Hans, but she really wanted to make Jack her boyfriend.

She bit her lip "I" she started. She looked from Jack to everyone in the group, everyone was leaning foreword with hopeful glances, she couldn't let them down, and maybe Hans wouldn't mind, maybe she would understand and get over it "I would love to be your girlfriend" she said with a wide yet nervous grin twisting over to Jack

He enveloped her into a wide hug squeezing her lightly but enough to give her wiggle room to wrap her own arms around her

The group all in sync cheered "Awww" causing Elsa to blush harder and Jack to squeeze harder, it was a nice moment, one Elsa thought she would never have

They hugged probably longer then the group could handle. Once the group started saying get a room Jack pulled away.

Jack rolled his eyes and hoped up extending his hand for Elsa to take which she gladly did "I'm kinda hungry, before we hit the alley, we should get some food, you guys with me?" He asked looking at the others trying to bypass the subject

"Whatever lover boy" Merida said ruffling his hair as she stood up then quickly interlocked Hiccup and hers arms

"Ditto" Eugene said lifting Punzie UO who gave an unbelievable girlish giggle "Yeah" she said snuggling her head into her boyfriends chest

"Well then, where to?" Elsa asked stating to walk behind the others

Jack quickly slipped his hand into hers swinging them as they walked "Wherever you want" he said nudging her sweetly

For the first time in Elsa's life she felt control. She felt like everything was in her favor. As she looked up at Jack she smiled "Anywhere with fries" she said teasingly as they walked towards the car hand in hand

Okay so sorry if this seems a little rushed but I gotta start updating I have so much one shots and I gotta finish this and ugh what have I done!

I love all of you little snowflakes U hope it's okay!

A forbidden affair (Jelsa high school)Where stories live. Discover now