Right or Wrong

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The rest of the class was a blur, x=25 linear equations a bunch of stuff she completely skimmed over. She was too distracted by the devilish boy with an angels face. He had gotten them in trouble four times when he tried to talk to her all of which Elsa stayed silent not daring to say anything.

When the bell rang she was relived as well as sad, she would be happy to not get yelled at for much longer but a part of her liked a jacks constant trying, it was cute. She was the last to stand up, collecting her books and shoveling them into her bag slinging her new pale blue bag on her shoulder. Everyone looked the same with the unappetizing uniforms, this bag was the only thing a different color then her clothes. Making her way to the door she kept her head down shuffling on her feet to get out of there, but of course, it's not that easy.

Her teacher raised her hand "Elsa, may I see you for a minute, Jack you as well" she said without looking up just an usher of her hand and they were both there standing tall in front if her. Her eyes shifted from Elsa to Jack before landing back on the boy "I expect this from you" she said gravely while her hand pointed at Jack causing him to smirk as she glanced to back to Elsa "But Elsa, your new here, and you've been great, I expect you to make the right choices not the wrong ones..." She said glancing wearily from Elsa to Jack before shaking her head and sighing. She flicked her wrist "Dismissed" she called muffled.

Elsa hadn't really been fazed , she expected that coming, but Jack looked like a puppy who had just been beaten. She considered asking if he was okay but that would require talking, a skill Elsa completely forgot when it came to Jack. She made it out the door without being stopped but she was being followed.

Jack trailed behind her before he reached the same pace "The right choices" he scoffed with a laugh "Please I'm as right as your gonna get" he said as if he and Elsa were best friends.

Even she couldn't stifle her laughter. She covered her mouth and giggled softly avoiding eye contact as she kept her head down and arrived at her locker fumbling for the lock.

He seemed to be encouraged by her small outburst. He smiled cockily as he watched and followed "So uh, Elsa, senior, got anywhere to sit at lunch?" He asked as his eyes scanned the hallway seeming to act disinterested

Elsa bit her lower lip, she had a seat next to Anna and her friends but there were always talking about things she never understood or just honestly didn't care about.she gave a faint shake of her head, worst he could do was laugh at her

Jack nodded once "Okay then it's settled" he said pushing off of the locker next to Elsa's.

She was more confused now then ever "Excuse me?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow as she twisted around to face him.

He seemingly found this funny as he started to chuckle "Your sitting by us at lunch" he said not even in a questioning tone more of an order.

Elsa shut her eyes and shook her head "Sitting? Us? Lunch?" She asked regaining her voice.

"Your cute" he commented with a shake of his head "Me and some of my friends and your gonna sit by us" again said in a demanding tone

She held up a finger "I believe it's my friends and i" she corrected him a bit louder her voice becoming define.

He shrugged "Ya your friends can sit by us too" he said with a slight curve of his lips "See ya at lunch" he said starting to walk away morphing into a mass of people.

Elsa bit her lip and stood on her tippy toes "No that's not what I meant" she said her voice becoming softer near the end if the sentence knowing he was gone. She exhaled softly before slowly shutting her locker. She made her way in a fast pace walk to her next class, Chemistry, she would have to tell Anna she wouldn't be sitting by her today, and of course knowing her sister would demand a reason why and all the details like it was the most important most amazing thing in the world.

She made it into the classroom without a second to spare as she found her seat next to Anna. She set her bag down and slid into place not daring to look at her sister. Anna knew her better then anyone, if she looked toward her questions would be flying from all directions. They both took out there note books and pencils and got their text books from the back.

When the came back to their seats They opened their books with ease "So how was math?" Anna asked in a happy whisper.

Elsa shrugged a small curve on her lips trying to hide it from her all knowing sister "It's was good, learned a lot" liar

The other raised an eyebrow and looked just in time to see her sisters small smile beginning to fade. Anna's mouth opened wide and he face looked as if she had discovered one of the worlds greatest mysteries "You met someone!" She nearly shouted before Elsa covered her mouth quickly and looked left and right in anger at the staring faces

Anna took her hand and removed Elsa's "You met someone" she repeated in a softer tone.

Elsa gave in and sighed with a small nod "It was nothing, really" she said trying to usher any thoughts from her sisters mind

It seemed Anna wouldn't be fooled "Was it a girl, did you make a friend" she asked with a smile before she gasped and her smile turned into a smirk "Or was it a guy" she asked nudging her sister playfully.

She scoffed and shook her head and pushed Anna's nudging hand away "Yes it was a guy but not like that" she said a bit sulkily, she had just met this guy but she felt a connection to him, sappy right? She knew. It was like on of those cheesy romcoms that are guessable and boring. "and I can't sit by you guys at lunch, I got invited to sit elsewhere" she said smoothing the rocky topic over

Anna grinned ear to ear "I can tell by your face Elsa, you can't hide from me" she said teasingly as she actually frowned her perky upbeat sister frowned "Aw, well were gonna miss you" she said her smile returning to its rightful place. And like that it was like her sister dropped it, forgot all about it and turned foreword in her seat looking ahead.

Elsa let out a sigh of relief before turning foreword as well. Just when she thought it was over Anna parted her lips "We'll talk about your date on the way home" Anna said with a toothy grin and a tilt of her head.

That was it. Elsa tilted her head and sighed in frustration, this day would never end.


AUTHORS NOTE:Hey guys hope you like his chapter, just one thing, gender bent Hans. Just making sure there's no confusion! Love hall hope you like this is so votes and comments are always appreciated! WARNING WARNING WARNING: Hans will be gender bent and there will be Rapunzel, Eugene (Flynn), Merida, and hiccup!

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