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After lunch came Econs then History which Elsa payed little to no attention to. She kept thinking of Rapunzel and her long golden hair she used to have before she cut it short and dyed it to look better, and how she made Eugene quit his bad habits. And how Merida denied her parents and became the girl she wanted to be and how Hiccup made a stand for what he thought was right. They all amazed her, they all possessed qualities that Elsa thought she lacked.

Then there was Jack, he spent nearly the entire time talking to Hans, or more like flirting. She knew it shouldn't bother her but for some reason she couldn't suppresses her angry blush. Punzie noticed at certain points and gave her small smiles, but in the end her jealousy got the better of her.

She didn't get out of her daze until she heard her name being called "Elsa?" She head a drastically slow and boring voice ask. Elsa looked up in bewilderment as she blinked trying to snap out of her funk before she looked around seeing no one was left in the class but her and her teacher.

Elsa stood up "What happened" she asked is a shy timid voice as she collected her books and slung her bag over her shoulder.

Her teacher eyed her carefully before she tapped her pencil against her fingers as she but her lip "Are you alright Miss Elsa, you seemed a bit....out of it" she said in a questioning/concerned tone.

Elsa immediately nodded before scurrying up to he front of the class "Yes, yes I'm fine, I was just lost in thought, great lesson today" she said in a rushing tone as she flew out of the room.

If the bell had rung that meant Anna was by the front door waiting for her. She nearly ran down the halls bumping into every shoulder she passed before making it to the front door seeing her sisters figure, luckily she was occupied by some of her friends.

She walked up closer to her sister and gave a small wave "Sorry, teacher held me back small issue with the homework" she in a convincing tone, it wasn't that bad of a lie there was some truth to it.

Anna's friends waved goodbye as Elsa approached and Anna listened a bit angry. although not to angry she was only five to ten minutes late or so. Anna nodded and let her story slid "It's alright, let's go though I wanna get home to feed Olaf and plus I think granny left some chocolate for us in the fridge" Anna said grasping her back and bounding toward the door.

Since Anna and Elsa's parents death their granny took care of then, even though Elsa was old enough to take care of her sister and herself her grandma insisted. She didn't mind, her granny made the best chocolate and fudge.

Elsa quickly trailed behind "Mmhm Chocolate" she said in a loving and adoring tone. She kept pace with Anna keeping her head down most of the time

It didn't take long on their walk home for Anna to turn to Elsa with a sly grin "Soooo, how was your lunch date" she asked while bouncing on her heels and nudging her sister anxiously

Elsa wanted to talk about anything but, sure she had fun with Eugene, Hiccup, Merida and Punzie but Hans and Jack really set her off edge, she wasn't sure why, she had just met Jack it wasn't like he couldn't talk to anybody else, she was being silly.

She sighed "Anna I told you it wasn't a date" she lead off with "And it went okay, I did what you told me to" she said a little timid, she knew her sister would freak out and bombard her with shrieks and loving hugs

To Elsa's non surprise Anna jumped up and lunged onto her sister with a wide grin and strong gripping hands that kept Elsa in her grasp "You made friends!" She shrieked happily "Oh what are their names what are they like?!" She asked throwing questions out left and right

Elsa wiggled out of her sisters grasp and started talking, telling her about them all, all except Hans and Jack.

Anna was simply glowing as she listened and continued to walk "Oh Elsa that's wonderful! I knew you could do it" her sister said with a small blush as her eyes fled to the ground as she played with her fingers

Elsa was puzzled by how she went from jumping to calm "Anna are you okay?" She asked worriedly

It was like a bomb set off because Anna's head snapped up and her wide grin was back "I met a guy" she blurted out quickly and happily

Elsa was taken back as she raised an eyebrow "Oh uh, good, great, that's great" she said a smile growing "What's his name?"

"Kristoff" Anna blurted out in a dreamy tone "Him and his best friends Sven as co captains for the football team" she said with a happy sigh as she clamped her hands together "And guess what, he asked me out! Elsa he asked me!" She practically shouted as she danced in a circle grasping her sisters hands and spinning her along

Elsa became dizzy but kept the smile on her face "Anna that's great wonderful even, I'm glad your enjoying it here" she said as they made their last spin arriving at their front door.

Anna smiled "Oh I'm so glad you think so, race you to the chocolate!" She should as she dashed inside

Elsa sighed with relief after a long day all she wanted was some chocolate

AUTHORS NOTE: Alright sorry it took so long but it's up! Sorry for the wait again as my friends keeps bugging me XD hope you guys like it

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