5// Call Out My Name

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Alasdair paced through the rooms in his house. The royal court would now be notified of his good health. A shame because up until Opal everyone thought he died in the First World War, damn them.

Are you there, he heard Opal cry which only succeeded in making him curse more. Where am I? I passed out and now I'm in this hall with no windows. There's guards everywhere and—

Try to remain calm, Alasdair responded to her as he grabbed his keys. I'm going to go after her, he realized without even meaning to, this is going to end poorly.

Where are you now, he prodded.

They have in dresses and heels, I think they're taking us to meet the house of royals. Our future masters, the bitterness in Opal's thoughts was evident to him. He cringed as he unlocked his car.

If you get a choice, he told her, stay with Alexsander.

How will I know who he is, she asked him. So much fear in her voice that it made Alasdair sick for her.

"You'll know",  Alasdair hated to leave her with Alexsander but for now the monster was her only hope.

What now, she gasped, they just called my name.

Pray, he responded as he started to drive toward where he guessed she was being held.

Opal was brought before a wall of what she guessed was a one-way mirror. She could see her own reflection but none of the royals.

"State your name," one of them commanded through a nearby speaker.

"Opal Mariposa Jasmine," she stated even though she hated how long her name was.

"Age," another speaker demanded.

"I-I'm 19," She stuttered as she picked nervously at her clothes.

"How is it that you managed to evade our calling before," the voice asked quizzically.

"I lived in a household with five other sisters. You called their names before mine."

"And your blood type?"

"It's umm O, I think." Why do they want to know that, Opal asked Alasdair.

Almost there, just find Alexsander.

What if he doesn't choose me, Opal cried in reply.

Stay calm.

"C-can I speak to Alexsander?"

"Whose asking." yet another voice demanded, it's tone hot with aggression. Opal knew she wasn't supposed to speak but she couldn't help herself.

"I-I I'm a friend of Alasdair," she only partially lied. "He told me to ask for you."

"He wanted me to pick you as my sacrificed? Why would he care so much about you, human child?"

I don't know," Opal told me with confidence, "he didn't tell me."

A loud sound rang out from the side of the empty room Opal stood in. A door swung open to reveal an overly tall man with long cascading dull blonde hair and a jagged scar under his cheekbone.

He looks exactly like Alasdair , Opal realized. Other than the scar it would have been nearly impossible to tell the two apart. Alexsander looked Opal up and down.

She seemed like any normal human being, but he knew that couldn't be right. His brother wouldn't have mentioned him otherwise. Had Alasdair found his mate before him?

"I'll chose you," Alexsander said, "if only because you seem so—," he paused "important to my brother."

Another door opened in the room and Alasdair clambered in. "Alexsander," he hissed "did you choose her?"

"Yes, brother," the master replied with a smirk. "What will you do to keep your human? Will you turn yourself in for the other masters you murdered?"

"What," Opal gasped as she sank away from the doctor.

"No, those monsters got what they deserved," Alasdair claimed loudly. "Just choose her and sign her over to me," Alasdair begged. It was the first time Alexsander had heard his brother ask for anything.

"If I waste my time claiming her, she'll stay with me," Alexsander took her arm forcefully. "Guards," Alexsander called "escort this man back to his home and take Opal to her rooms."

"Yes, my lord," the guard bowed as he grabbed Alasdair and dragged him away.

"Thank you, my lord," Opal bowed to Alexsander in a quick nervous gesture.

"Don't thank me yet," Alexsander said as someone else led me away.

Alasdair, Opal thought to herself, what now?

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