15// Ashes

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She looked beautiful and young as she held her son in her arms. Her chestnut hair streamed down in curls as she spoke softly to her baby. "I'm Ashlyn," the girl said as she looked at Vargas. "It's nice to see you return to the kingdom, master," she said to him as she pricked her finger on the side of her broach and placed it near her child's mouth.

"He drinks blood," Elle asked in shock as she moved forward to get a closer look.

"He's a highborn vampire," Ash smiled "like his father. He can only drink a little blood right now but in a few years he'll grow in power and hunger."

"How— nice," Elle lied as she glanced toward Vargas. She was surprised to find him staring at Julian without a hint of anger.

"And are you fine with me assisting the two of you in raising this baby," he asked.

"I don't mind," Ash smiled toward him "as long as you keep him safe and healthy." Julian smiled at Vargas with a face filled with pride, he thought he won.

"I'll be sure to take good care of him. Mistress." Vargas said as both Julian and Ash froze where they stood.

"What did you just call me," she asked with a look of shock. "We're not married and I'm not interested in him," she argued, "as soon as he told me he had a mate. I'm sorry, sir I didn't know." Her eyes held remorse as she avoided meeting Vargas' gaze.

"Not your fault," he said brokenly. "Elle stay with Ash, Julian and I need to talk."

"Yes, father." Elle said without thinking about it. The last time Vargas had gave her orders was when he was her father, she reacted without thinking. Vargas just stepped forward on his way out of the room and ruffled her hair.

"I like you better when you're not trying to kill me," he laughed as he left the room.

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