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As long as you have been alive you have lived the American dream. Rich parents, beautiful house, refrigerator filled with food.

The American dream, but not your dream.

You want one thing, one thing in life.

To see the underside of America.

You have lived and seen and experienced wealth.

You haven't seen poverty, at any level.

You have never gone to bed hungry.

You have never had the lights go out.

You have never seen any drug.

Two years later, you have changed.

You know about poverty.

You know desperation.

You have seen it, you have heard it, you have touched it.

And you did that all because of drugs.

Do you have a problem with drugs? Probably.

Do you care?

Life is for the living.

The first experience you ever had with drugs is when you ate 4 pot cookies on the last day of school sophomore year.

That is still the highest you have ever gotten.

You don't remember much, but their was a lot of blue hairspray and a lot of random unorganized shit going on.

But that's a tale for a different time.

That's why you got into drugs, not for the drugs. But for the experiences, the people, the freedom.

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