Your dream

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Dreams are like the wind.

They flow and change, some are strong some are weak.

Overtime your dreams might die, but a new dream always takes it's place.

But one dream, your one dream.

It's different, it's not a job, a partner, a amount of money, a house, a car.

It's more then that.

You don't want to wake up in your dream house, with bills piling on the kitchen table.

You want to be able to wake up every morning without fear.

No fears for the future.

No fears over money.

No fears over love.

You want to be able to wake up with a smile on your face.

But not just yours, others too.

Because it's good to make you laugh.

But it's great to make a stranger laugh.

It's amazing to make a group of people laugh.

But you also want power...

You want to be able and fight for what's yours.

You want to protect your loved ones.

You want to know that your safe.

But you don't want fear,

Fear causes hate

Hate causes wrath

Wrath causes death

That's your dream.

It's yours.

No one can change it.

No one can take it.

It's yours forever.

Only you can change it.

And one thing you are changing, is that you don't want just yourself to reach your dream.

You want to see that look of joy on someone's face when they achieve their dream. Pure joy.

Pure joy,

If you could cause someone pure joy.

That would better then achieving your dream, because you helped someone else achieve theirs.

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