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(A/N: Please don't judge this is my first story i have ever made now please enjoy)

you where in a cell banging your way out of your cell the last thing you remember was getting shot by harry and team flash put you in here for protecting your "friend" you knew she was in pain you have to get out of here before its too late you kept elbowing the the cell glass until the cell started to move and you were infront of team flash....there was a moment of scilence until cisco spoke out

Cisco: Man look what you did to the glass!
Barry: cisco....

you were scared......there back but......where is she?
(Y/N): w-where is she?....where's heather!
(Y/N): WHERE?!

as i looked at them with a scared look on my face they just put there head down as for barry...he just walked back to the unlock screen and my cell door opened. I slowly walk out and kept an eye out in case i get shot again.

(Y/N): *looks at harry* dont shoot me...EVER again.
Iris: y/n list-
(Y/N): No you listen photo girl i won't ask again all of you....where is heather zolomon!

after i said that everyone was scilence you didn't want to know what happened but you must you ran out of the pipeline with Team Flash looked behind to see you run out. You ran to the cortex and pull up servailance cameras of the battle and you saw heather and barry fighting and what you saw was unexplainable you saw weird husklike things circle around her. She was screaming her face turned to an almost skelliton dry face and she was roaring instead of screaming and those husklike things grabbed her and carried her away in a white where shocked and tears were falling down your cheeks and hitting the keybords...barry was behind you and put his hand on your shoulder but what you did was something else....

Barry: y/n....
you grabbed his suit and charged at him hitting the wall the thud was so loud that it got the others attention.
(Y/N): *crying*....IM GONNA KILL YOU!!
Barry: y/n calm down!
Joe: put him down
Harry: *powers up his weapon* he won't say it again.

You let go of barry and you looked at cisco direction you ran at him and punched him in the face you send him flying across the cortex

(Y/N): SHUT UP!!
You herd a shot blast and you felt a stinging sensation on your back you felt can barly stand you turned around to see harry with his sniper smoking....

(Y/N): of a......

........all you see is darkness........

A/N: Hey guys i'm new on wattpad and this is a story i've worked on for a while So i hope you enjoyed it and i'll up date soon see you guys later.        ATTACK RIDE: INVISABLE

Team flash x Male reader x Fem hunter zolomonWhere stories live. Discover now