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You woke up in the bedroom that stan let you stay in you risen out of bed you see the clock to see that it was 10:00 am. You open the curtin to see partly cloudy skies you took a deep breath in and let it all out.

(Y/N): Time to start the day.
you took a shower then, you put on your red T-shirt and black pants and you when out of your room. you made it down to the kitchen in back of the restaurant and you saw an apron you walk towards it and pick it up of the counter and put it on you see stan walk in and he greets you

Stan: ahh..good morning y/n.
(Y/N): Heh...good morning stan
Stan: Ready to help me with restaurant today?
(Y/N): Sure thing.

*Timeskip 2:00 pm*
(Y/N): here you go
Mother: thank you
child: thanks.
(Y/N): Your welcome now please let me know if you need anything else enjoy.

you just delivered a mother and child there pizza and you went to the counter to get a refill of drinks until you the door chimed open you were about to say welcome but you saw someone familier
catlin snow she saw you but you pretended to not see her but she sees you she walked over to the counter.
Catlin: hi y/n
You looked at her but you didn't say anything...
Catlin: How are you
(Y/N): How did you find me did you guys put a tracker on or was Barry spying on me at night
Catlin: what? n-no i tracked your phone and i found you here
(Y/N): oh grreeaat so what do you want and be fast i have work to do.
Catlin: i wanted to see if your ok and i wanted to save heather but-
(Y/N): but what catlin?....don't try to apologise i saw you on the footage when barry had her on the floor you had your chance a 1 minute chance.....but you didn't do anything
Catlin: your right i didn't and i'm so sorry....i remember her actually smiling and how she was my friend. Y/n please come back to star labs its not the same without you.
(Y/N): answer is still no....i'm tierd of all the lies you guys do you never kept your promise and we are not a family...
now then are you gonna order something because i need to get back to work.

(Third pov)
Catlin looked like she was gonna cry all she did nodded and left the restaurant. you took a deep breath and continued to serve drinks but when you look down the ice was melted into the sodas and beer.
(Y/N): aww crap.....

(Timeskip 9:30 pm)
          y/n pov
as i took a deep breath of accomplishment i look to my left to see two customers left. One of them was already taken care of i see the last one reading the pizza menu i went to his direction and pulled out my pen and notepad i greeted him

(Y/N): Hello how are you this evening
????: fine how about you.
(Y/N): i'm doing okay thank you for asking now what will you have?
????: hmm ill have a meatlovers pizza with cheesy bread and to drink.....umm a large pepsi
(Y/N): Okay will there be anything else?

the mysterious man took the menu away from his face to reveal someone you know very well from the past your eyes widen and your heart beat elevated

Thawne: oh no i won't be needing anything l/n
(Y/N):...*smirks*.....Eobard thawne don't tell me your here just to enjoy some pizza from this era
Thawne: what? can't a professor see his favorite student?

at that moment i knew he was telling the truth i extended my hand out to shake his hand and i smiled
(Y/N): its good to see you again old friend
Thawne: you too y/ too

A/N: i hope you guys liked this chapter i'll see you guys in the next chapter see you

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