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A/N: So sorry for not updating please enjoy the chatper

after i deliverd the food to eobard he told me that he needed to talk to me about something important.

Y/n: here's your food enjoy

Eobard: thank you mr l/n and may i have a word with you for a second?

Y/n: well it is my break time so....what the hell so whats on your mind?

Eobard: i know about zoom...i saw how she got taken away and believe it or not i know what those things are and why they have taken her

you were shocked to hear what eobard said if you know anyone who knew about the speedforce and the laws its him.

Y/n: what are those things? and why has it taken heather?

Eobard: there called time wraiths the monsters that hunt speedsters who messed with time and broken the law of the speedforce.

Y/n: i've seen those things up close before.

one you've said that eobard raised an eyebrow and was now questioning in his mind how could a time wraith be intrested in a human insted of a speedster?

Eobard: you saw one up close before.....when?

Y/n: after barry left to get some information from you like one second he left and the next he's back and with a time wraith and it had barry in a chokehold until it looked at me and it let go of barry it got close to me and the weirdist thing is about looked like it had a costume on. my theory was correct.

Y/n: which is?

Eobard: their rouge speedsters the ones who broke the law's of the speedforce. I always thought they kill you. but they turn you in to one of them

Y/n: you don't think....heather was turned into those things?..

Eobard: no i dont think so she was still in her human least

Y/n: good.

while you were talking to eobard stan came by the table to ask you a question

Stan: y/n i sorry to interuped your break and your conversation but can you deliver some pizzas to ccpd please.

Y/n: sure thing stan oh where are my manners stan this is my professor thawne professor thawne this is stan.

Eobard sat up of his chair and shakes stans hand

Eobard: pleasure to meet you

Stan: nice to meet you mister thawne

Eobard: please call me eobard

Y/n: well i shall be off nice to see you again eobard

Eobard: you too

you grab your white coat and the pizza boxes and went out the door but what you really didn't want to see joe or anyone you know from team flash...but you didn't have a choice you went in the car and drove off to the department.

A/n: i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
see you guys in the next chapter

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