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(A/N:This remix is made by slade foley. guys he is the best at remixing to be more detailed. The flash, arrow, supergirl and legends of tomorrow themes if your a fan of any of these shows i suggests that you guys check out his youtube channel for amazing and godlike remixes and there is an extended remix of the flash vs reverse flash remix on his soundcloud and trust me its really good. And one more thing thank you so much to slade foley for letting use his music for my story and many future projects on wattpad. now with that out of the way LET THE RACE BEGIN)

(y/n pov 0:00 to 0:50)
After i woke up from getting knocked out by barry i knew one thing

Y/n: he's gonna pay for this......BIG TIME!

i ran out of my apartment and went down stairs to see the front door i opened it and i saw my bike and i got on it and i put on my helmet and put the keys in the ignition and i spun my bike around and i drove off to find the speedsters

(A/N: this was the fight but in at night and its raining plus the fight starts at 1:08 and the 3D animation was created by crimsoned Renz check out his channel play the video....or not its up to you guys but please listen to the music it fits with the chapter)

(Barry pov)

As i tried to catch thawne i notice the sky and the was blue and something wasn't right.

Barry: guys whats going on!

(at S.T.A.R LABS)
cisco: what?

Barry on comms: wha- *static* go *static* wi-.....light-...

Caitlin: his comms are going out

Joe: bar can you hear us!!

Barry on comms: wh-*static* ning-*static*

Iris: Barry, BARRY!

(back to barry)
Barry: come on....COME ON!

As barry was gaining up to thawne he started getting memories of zolomon and y/n but these memories are fading away.

Y/n: Barry you have to start trusting people again...

Heather: My name is Jenna Garrick and your world is in danger.

Y/n: Barry keep yourself closed like this.... pretty soon you won't have anyone.

Barry: what th-

before barry could finish talking eobard punched barry upwards and ran up to a car and threw barry near an open area. barry was breathing heavily and struggling to get up but another memory started to fade away again

Barry: what do you want from me?

Zoom: everything.....

Barry: you wanna be me...YOU WANNA BE A HERO!

Zoom: hero's die....

Eobard runs infront of barry

Eobard: and here i was thinking you were forgotten all about me

Barry: *stands up and takes off his mask* but i am forgetting....whats happening to me its as if ill be thinking of something and its goes away

Eobard: so your life your memories.....they will fade away and thats because your about to mess with time the speedforce is giving you a taste of whats to come when you mess with time.....

Team flash x Male reader x Fem hunter zolomonWhere stories live. Discover now