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(A/N: i'm so board today so here is another part enjoy)

you slowly open your eyes you felt pain all over your upper body and you saw harry, catlin and joe looking at you. you felt very creeped out by this...but still very VERY angry

(Y/N): what the hell are you all looking at? have you all ever seen your own teammate get shot before?
Joe: y/n what happen to your chest and neck?
(Y/N: What?...oh. its nothing

you look down to see yourself shirtless and to see rectanglular marks around your collorbone is and you knew that you have a horrible scar on your neck you were suprised that you hid it for so long like back in 2014 try to sit up but catlin stopped you.

Catlin: no don't force yourself you hav-
(Y/N): I don't care what i have!....*groan*
Joe: y/n i know your angry about what we did but you need to face facts that heather. she was a bad person son
(Y/N): but people can change joe how many times did i tell you all that how did we get hartly huh? how did we get snart to become good explain it to me joe!
(Y/N):......That's what i thought.......

you put your head down the bangs on your hair covered your heard footsteps coming your way you lift your head slowly up to see barry right in front of you still in his suit and iris holding a cup of coffee for you and she asked you if you we're alright but they know you weren't

Iris: How are you feeling?.
(Y/N):........*looks back down*...
Barry: y/n i know how she means alot to-
(Y/N):....not one word from you.....
Barry: y/n...
(Y/N): y/n what!....*groans*

you tried to stand up but you were in so much pain that you kneed down to the floor holding your shoulder. Catlin ran to your side and checked your shoulder

Catlin: y/n you shoulder hasn't healed yet you need to-
(Y/N): NO!...
you stand up while still holding your shoulder
(Y/N): i'm not staying here with a bunch of liers who can't keep their promises

you looked at barry with a deadly glance you grabbed your shirt, scarf and jacket and walked out of the cortex while you were walking out you put on your shirt and your scarf. Finally you had reached the elevator you press the down button and you herd a woosh sound you turned to see barry and catlin but you were in no mood to talk the elevator door open and you walked behind it and press the down button the doors where closing but barry put his foot on the rail from preventing it from closing

Barry: y/n please...
(Y/N): i said i don't wanna talk to YOU!

you push barry away from the rail with one arm catlin went to see if he's ok

(Y/N): Now leave me alone.
the elevator door closed and you finally left S.T.A.R LABS it was raining hard you put your coat over your head and started to walk home but a taxi car pulled up to you.

Driver: you ok son? *he sees you drenched*
(Y/N): i'm fine....
Driver: you dont look fine here hop in ill take you home
you were suprised by his kind offer
(Y/N) that's very kind of you sir but your car says out of service and i dont want to wet your passenger seat.
Driver: aahhh don't worry about it hop in the front seat
(Y/N): *smiles* Thank you.
you got in the taxi and you put your wet coat on your lap the driver gave you a dry blanket and wrapped it around you then the taxi driver drove off

Driver: so we're we headed?
(Y/N): Just drive please don't worry I'll pay for the fair

(A/N: i hope you all enjoyed this part ill update soon bye)

Team flash x Male reader x Fem hunter zolomonWhere stories live. Discover now