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(A/N: Edited the picture myself anyways lets get started)

(Y/n pov)
After i got back from C.C.P.D i went into the back kitchen and went upstairs to my room. i opened my closet to get my dufflebag and closed my closet and left my room i went downstairs to the kitchen i see stan and i told him that ill be back later.

Y/n: Stan i'm going to my apartment to get some things ill be back later.

Stan: ok and don't forget to wear your jacket y/n its cold out tonight

y/n: Don't worry i will.

after i left the kitchen with my white jacket i walked towards the window and turn the open sign to closed and i left the restaurant. I was about to walk but then i saw eobard leaning on a wall in his costume.

Eobard: Mr l/n need a lift?

Y/n: actually yes to my apartment if you be so kind.

Eobard: no problem.

as i said that the next thing i was feeling the wind on my face i haven't felt this since christmas...

(cisco pov)
as i was chowing down on some noodles my moniter started to beep out of control as soon as pulled it up on the other screens to see y/n's tracker but he was moving fast?....

Cisco: guys i need you in the cortex now!

as soon as said that everyone was rushing in to see what was the problem

Iris: cisco what is it?

Cisco: take a look at this?

Caitlin: is that y/n why is he moving fast?

Barry puts his hands on his waist and looks at the moniter

joe: don't think?...

barry: no joe...he can't be a speedster harry's watch would have warned us about it just like cisco's powers

at that moment cisco randomly vibed the future where y/n was at his apartment and eobard was there with him

Y/n: are you sure you know how to bring her back?

Eobard: yes but we need a DNA sample from her

Y/n:......i think i know where to get a sample but its not gonna be easy.


Barry: cisco....what did you see?

as barry said that the team look at cisco with a confused look

Cisco: The Reverse Flash...he's back..and he's with y/n.

as barry heard that name he ran out the cortex with his costume joe screams his name as he leaves

joe: BARRY!!

(y/n pov)
We finally made it to my apartment and i ran to my room to get some clothes as i opened my closet and moved my hangers and i see a presant in there. i pulled it out and i placed it on my bed

Y/n: What is this?...

Eobard: hey y/n you o- what is that?

Y/n: i don't know but i dont have time....i need to get my clothes and my bike

(A/n: this is your bike)

as i said that i put my clothes in my duffle i went to my closet again and grabbed the leather jacket heather gave me for christmas and i put it on and zip it up while eobard waits by leaning on my door frame with his arms cross

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as i said that i put my clothes in my duffle i went to my closet again and grabbed the leather jacket heather gave me for christmas and i put it on and zip it up while eobard waits by leaning on my door frame with his arms cross

Y/n: ok *sighs* so i have everything and my keys

Eobard: why are you in a rush?

Y/n: because i don't want "Team flash" to get find me i hate them

Eobard: that explains alot

Y/n: are you sure you know how to bring her back

Eobard: yes but we need a DNA sample from her.

Y/n:......i know where to get a sample but its not gonna be easy.

Eobard: how so?

Y/n: its at earth 2 but all the breaches have been closed off all except one.

Eobard: aaand that one is in S.T.A.R LABS

Y/n: precisely.

i walked out of my room and went to the living room and looked at my cabinet i walk towards it and brought out a suitcase that had a number pad as a lock

Y/n: hey......i have a feeling you might need this back.

Eobard: and what would that be?

he gave me a confused look i typed in the my code and the case opened i fully open it and i grabbed a glowing blue hardrive and i tossed it to him

Y/n: recognize it?

Eobard: t-this is my tachyon data i gave to barry when he traveled back in time how did you get this?

Y/n: i'm not the only one who knows the time vault eobard plus
*brings out a gun* i may need this i know i hate guns too but.....i have a feeling i may need it for some stupid reason

Eobard: i understand y/n more than you know..

Y/n good i'm greatful that you understand now we have to go befo-


Y/n: oh speak of the devil

(Third pov)
Barry looked at y/n with an angry face and so did y/n

Barry: What is he doing here!

Y/n: helping me but not in the way you do it

as team flash hears whats going on through the comms

Eobard: hello barry

Barry: how did-

Y/n: he remembers us speedy try and keep up

the team was shocked to hear that this was there eobard from when they stopped him

Eobard on comms: its true i remember each and everyone of you. Cisco ramon, caitlin snow, iris west, joe west, and earth's two harrison wells...

Y/n: by the way's your dad oh thats right he's well as your mother

Barry was getting angry and he was breathing heavliy

caitlin: his heart rate is beating rapidly he due to his emotions!

joe: Bar you need to calm down!

Eobard: how about we settle things right now..

Barry: Fine by me.

Y/n: aww look at little flashy jr......gonna cry?

as you said that barry punched you in the gut and you went flying back hitting the wall

Eobard: your gonna pay for that!

With that said eobard runs out the door aswell as barry chasing after him.

......LET THE RACE BEGIN......
A/n: i hope you guys like this chapter see you tomorrow in the update


Team flash x Male reader x Fem hunter zolomonWhere stories live. Discover now