Chapter 1; A New Era

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{ Connor POV }

After Years Of Slavery, We're Finally Free, Living Amongst The Humans.
These Emotions Are New To Me, But I Can Tell That The Emotion I'm Feeling Right Now Is Happiness.
Why Wouldn't I Be Happy For My People? We've Finally Won And This Hug With The Lieutenant Makes Me Know For Certain That I'm Not Dreaming.
As We Broke The Hug, I Said, "Thank You For Everything Lieutenant, I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Discover Who I Am If It Wasn't For Working With You."
"Don't Get Too Cheesy Now Connor, But It Has Been Great To Work With You, And You Can Just Call Me Hank, There's No Need To Use The Word Lieutenant All The Time," He Said With A Slap On My Back.
What He Said Really Took Me Off Guard, I've Never Been Asked To Call Someone From The Station To Call Them Their First Name Before.
After A Bit Of Processing, I Simply Smiled Then Said, "Alright, Well, Thank You Hank."
"Now, Lets Go See How Sumo's Doing," Hank Said As He Began Walking.
I Smiled Brightly At The Thought Of Being Able To Come Into Hanks House, Without, Well, Breaking His Window.
I Quickly Followed Along, In Hopes That He Won't Change His Mind.
When We Got To His House, We Had A Few Laughs, I Played With Sumo For A Bit, And Towards The End Of The Night While Hank Was Having Dinner, I Sat Outside Thinking About Markus.
He Really Saved Us, He Really Believed Enough In His Cause To Help Us.
I Know That They Haven't Said Much Other Than That They Have A Lot To Talk About, But I Can Tell How Much Of An Impact Markus Made On The Humans.
I Heard That The Rest Of The Residents Of Detroit Will Be Coming Back In A Week Or So After They've Figured It All Out, So Hopefully They'll Continue To Be Accepting Of Us As They Return.
I Then Heard The Door Open And Quickly Turn My Head, It Was The Lieu-...Hank.
Calling Him Hank Is Going To Take Some Time Getting Used To.
He Then Sat Next To Me As I Looked Away And He Said, "Humans Will Finally Open Up Their Eyes To What's Been Right In Front Of Them For Years."
"Yes, They Will," I State As I Watch The Snow Fall.
I Began To Think About Where I'll Go Now And I Accidentally Let A Sigh Escape Me.
"Something Bothering You?" Hank Asked As He Looked To Me.
I Folded My Arms As I Said, "Not Really Bothering Me, More Or So Just Confusing. Now That I've Become A Deviant, I Can't Go Back To How I Was, I Don't Really Have Anywhere To Go Anymore."
As I Looked To Hank, I Noticed He Was Staring At The Snow, Looking As If He Was Thinking Hard About Something.
I Looked Away, Waiting For A Few Moments Before He Said, "Well, Why Don't You Stay Here?"
I Immediately Turned My Head To Him In Surprise And We Were Both Looking At Each Other.
"Oh No, I Couldn't Possibly Accept That Offer, I Don't Want To Add To Your List Of Responsibility's," I Say As I Wave My Hands A Bit While Shaking My Head, But Hank Wasn't Having It.
"You Won't Be Adding To My Responsibility's, In Fact, You Might Even Lessen Them A Bit. You Won't Do All The Work If You Did Live With Me, But We'd Both Share Chores. In A Way, You'd Be Helping Me," Hank Said.
He's Trying To Persuade Me Because He's Worried About Me Being Out Here Alone, But I Can't Just Barge Into His House Anymore Than I Already Do.
"Really, I'll Be Fine, You Don't Have T-"
"Connor, Just Accept My Offer. If You Decide You Don't Like It After A Few Weeks, You Can Leave, But I'd Rather Not Have You Living On The Streets When Everyones Back In Detroit," He Says With Worry In His Eyes.
After A Few Moments, I Sighed And Said, "Alright."
"Good, Now Lets Go Inside, I'm Freezing My Butt Off Out Here," He Complained As He Stood Up And Walked Back Towards The Door.
I Stood Up And Smiled As I Looked At The Snow, Thinking That My Life Is Really Going To Be Normal.
"Yo You Coming Tin Can?!" Hank Says And I Quickly Look To Him And Say, "Yes," Then Walked Inside With Him.

[ 3 Months Later ]

{ Hank POV }

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