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Johnny was not usually one to get possessive when it came to people. Things that belonged to him, sure, but he had a rule with himself that whenever he dated, he would not treat the person like he owned them. Jealousy was one thing, it was only natural, but there was absolutely no need for possessiveness in a relationship. He believed in this very strongly, and yet as he saw Ali running towards Daniel with a big smile and a bounce in her step, part of him wanted to forget the bag sitting in the back of his boyfriend's car and sweep him away from right under her nose.

"Hey, Daniel!" She waved, laughing. The brunette looked up, and for a minute he looked surprised. Then mild annoyance crossed his featured and he seemed to grip the steering wheel a bit tighter. Johnny was already out of the car, so he grabbed his own bag then hesitated, a smirk forming on his face. He put his own bag down then up at Ali and reached into the back of the car real slowly, waving to get her attention. She caught sight of him, and he lifted Daniel's bag out of the car, pressing a finger to his lips like it was some kind of secret. Her glare was scorching hot and it burned into the back of his head when he turned around to conceal his laughter.

"Johnny, don't be an asshole. Give Daniel his bag back." Ali had her hands on her hips. Daniel turned around from where he had been speaking with Mr. Miyagi, Who was now heading inside. The brunette's gaze landed on Johnny and brightened a little bit. A mischievous glint entered his eyes, a look that Johnny actually kinda liked. He gave a tiny nod, and his smirk deepened when Daniel returned it like an unsaid agreement.

"What, this bag?" Johnny lifted it up, raising his eyebrows. Daniel took a step forward, his face falling, and it was actually pretty convincing.

"Come on, man. Just give it back. I can't stay out here all day." He reached up to make a grab, but Johnny stepped back. He was willing to play keep away, but he didn't want to push his boyfriend. At least, not when they were on solid pavement.

"Yeah, that's right. You can't. You have to get in there so I can kick your ass in the finals." Johnny grinned, biting his lip to hold back laughter. Ali was making her way over now, anger flashing in her eyes.

"I can't believe you're such a liar. There's no such person as Mike Barnes, is there? You really did enter the tournament just to beat up Daniel, didn't you?" Ali shoved Johnny back, and he pretended to stumble, feigning surprise. Then his grin returned, and he shrugged.

"You don't know me. Maybe I really did enter the tournament, maybe I'm just here to watch Barnes pulverize him. Maybe I'm here to pulverize Barnes before he can make it to the finals." Something about the energy of the situation changed when he finished speaking. He looked over at Daniel, and the brunette wasn't smiling anymore. Johnny's smile started to fade a little bit, too, and this time he really did lose his balance a little when Ali shoved him.

"Wait, I thought you were kiddin' about that." Daniel took a few steps towards where they were standing, and both looked over at him with wide eyes. Johnny swallowed with some difficulty, anxiety beginning to bubble in his chest.

"What are you talking about, LaRusso? I wouldn't miss this opportunity if my life depended on it." He brushed past Ali, shoving the bag into Daniel's chest. He lingered for a second, making sure he didn't lose his balance, but he didn't miss the wide-eyed look of horror on his boyfriend's face as he picked up his own discarded bag and slung it over his shoulders.

"See you around, Losers!" He called, entering the facility with a pale face and an erratically beating heart. He entered the locker rooms and changed quickly, tying off his karategi top as Daniel walked in. He glanced up, and forced a smirk onto his face.

"We got her good, didn't we, Danielle?" A bag in the ground next to his own as he knelt down to tie his belt, and Daniel crouched down in front of him with a strange expression. It was a mixture of fear, sadness, and regret that made Johnny's heart throb.

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