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Johnny couldn't stay asleep. He kept opening his eyes only to see that the clock next to Daniel's bed still read some ungodly hour. He was exhausted, but even with the warmth of another body pressed against his own he couldn't stay sleeping.

He tightened his grip around Daniel's waist a little bit, pulling him closer gently. Daniel shifted a little bit in his arms, but his eyes remained closed. Johnny held his breath, hoping he hadn't woken the boy up, but the brunette just snuggled his face into Johnny's neck with a soft sigh.

Johnny took a deep breath, pressing his face into Daniel's hair and willing himself to sleep. But thoughts swarmed in his brain like bees in a nest.

Miyagi said it wasn't his fault. How could it not be? If he had focused, if he had just tried a little harder then he could have won. His muscles aches at the thought of the fight, and a lump formed in his throat, but he swallowed it back. Part of him wanted to seek Barnes out and finish what he had started. Not once had he beat the prick, and he wanted to change that. But he knew Daniel wouldn't like it.

He held his breath for a few moments, then exhaled slowly and pressed a kiss into Daniel's hair. He stared at the dark wall of Daniel's bedroom silently, guilt and regret tearing him apart from the inside out.

"Stop thinkin' so loud." Daniel's voice startled Johnny, even though it was a quiet grumble rather than a clear statement. "I can hear the gears turnin' in your head, Johnny.. Go to sleep." His accent was thick when he was sleepy. Johnny managed a small smile.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He shifted his arms around the boy, and Daniel merely grunted in reply. "I just kept waking up myself." There was a heavy sigh coming from Daniel, and Johnny's arms loosened. He frowned, and briefly considered pulling away, but Daniel pressed himself close again.

"Why can't you sleep, baby?" A light blush rose in Johnny's cheeks at the pet name. He pulled back a little to look down at Daniel's face. The boy's eyes were still closed but he was more alert somehow.

"'Baby'?" He asked, avoiding the previous question altogether.

"What, do you prefer Goldilocks?" Daniel teased, the sleep fading from his voice. Johnny smiled, shrugging one shoulder sheepishly. "You do!" Daniel accused, followed by a bout of laughter. "You like it when I call you Goldilocks."

"What can I say? It's stuck with me anyway. After all, if I didn't let you call me Goldilocks then it would be fair for me to call you Danielle," he pointed out. Daniel's eyes fluttered opened and he smiled, looking up at Johnny.

"Or Wise-guy," he replied. Johnny shook his head, lifting Daniel's chin slowly.

"You like that one. Don't lie." Daniel tried to turn his head away, but Johnny gripped his chin gently. He could feel the heat radiating from the brunette's cheeks. A smirk found its way on his face as he looked down at Daniel, leaning closer so their foreheads touched.

"Do not," Daniel replied breathlessly, gaze flickering down to Johnny's lips and back up again.

"You definitely do." Johnny shifted closer, chuckling when their noses bumped against each other.

"Nuh-uh." Johnny smirked.

"Yeah, you're not fooling anyone." He touched Daniel's lips gently with his own, successfully shutting him up. Daniel sighed, eyes sliding shut as he pressed back just as gently. It was slow, sweet and it sent Johnny's heart into spasms just as much as any other kiss ever had. When he pulled away he found himself feeling a considerable amount sleepier than he had before. He pulled the covers up a little tighter and tangled his legs with Daniel's, pulling him over so he would snuggle up like he had been before.

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