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Crazily enough, Johnny could have laughed. There was something oddly hysterical about his feelings when he turned around, but it wasn't in the funny way. Laura was on the ground, hair covering her face, but Johnny knew what he would see if it wasn't. He'd see an angry red mark forming where Sid had hit her.

"This is what happens when you're ignorant!" Sid was yelling. "This boy of yours is going to be leeching off of my money forever. I'd be better off just locking him in his room for the rest of his life. Maybe then he'll stop raking in hospital bills and buying buildings!" Johnny clenched his hands into fists, taking an unsteady step towards the stout little man towering over his mother.

"Just stop," he managed to choke out, pointing a trembling finger at the man. "Stop it. Leave her alone."

"What are you gonna do about it, you little shit? Use the worthless Karate I paid for? I'll bet you didn't learn a thing." Sid scoffed, turning to walk away, and suddenly Johnny was on the other side of the room, grabbing his stepfather by the shoulder and yanking him back.

"Look at me!" Johnny shouted. "You treat us like this, and you expect her to love you? What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't buy our cooperation!" He was seething now, seeing red. "We aren't animals!"

"Language!" Sid said in a sing-song voice, stepping away and brushing his suit off casually.

"Fuck you and your language!" Johnny spat.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Sid questioned, raising a brow, and Johnny's face went pale.

"No, because I'm not a pig who spoils a girl with his money and expects her to do whatever he says." His voice came out a lot steadier than he had expected it to. His lips had been pressed together into a grim line, and he narrowed his eyes at the man, watching as he drew himself up to his full height, which was still much shorter than the blonde.

"What did you just call me?" Sid's voice was dangerously quiet, and Johnny hated himself for flinching at the sound. He averted his eyes, confidence starting to trickle from his chest as Sid took a prowling step towards him. "Say it again. I dare you."

Johnny hesitated, biting his lip. On the one hand, he was diverting Sid's attention from his mother, who was hurrying away as quickly and quietly as she could. He knew she wanted him to end it quietly. On the other hand, he could repeat himself and get Sid even more worked up, possibly resulting in a little more than just a mental beat down. It hadn't happened since before he started karate, but he wouldn't put it past the man, not considering how he had just treated Laura.

"You're a fucking pig," he whispered. Sid's arms flew out, and he stumbled backwards, but didn't fall.

"I'm not the pig in this house!" The old man roared. "You're the pig! Bringing home a new slut every week throughout high school, and now suddenly you've got the hots for a boy? Don't think I couldn't hear you two getting it on in here the other night. Don't think I haven't seen the bruises appearing out of nowhere on your neck whenever he's around." Johnny backed up a little more, and his foot caught on the edge of the carpet just as Sid punched forward and shoved him again. His back hit the floor and all the breath left his body as he lay there for a minute, eyes wide, chest heaving.

"It's disgusting!" Sid was screaming. "Letting another male touch you like that. You really are worthless! You're scum! A dirtbag!" The insults echoed in Johnny's ears similarly to how they had earlier, and he bit down hard on his tongue, a metallic fast beginning to fill his mouth.

"Just leave me alone!" He cried out, throwing his arms up over his face and blocking his ears, but it did little to block out the onslaught of slurs and jeers. Sid's voice filled his head, shouting and accusing and driving stakes through his heart.

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