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"I really didn't think this through." Daniel was trying desperately not to laugh as he stood a little off to the side, glancing at the golf sticks then back at Johnny, who was unamused.

"I don't think either of us did, dipshit." The blonde shrugged. "What can you do?" He waved one of his crutches in the air. "It's been a week, I think I can stand for a second to hit a damn golf ball."

"Nuh-uh, no way. Not riskin' it. We can just do somethin' else." Daniel turned and started walking back towards his car with a bounce in his step. Johnny sighed heavily and followed him, climbing in to the passenger seat and smacking the boy on the back of the head.

"Ow!" He complained, elbowing Johnny in the side as he started the engine. "Relax, we'll come back another time. Jesus. Where do you want to go?" Daniel waited to leave the spot until he knew where they were going, glancing at the blonde with raised eyebrows.

"I want to spar or something. I've been sitting on my ass for over a week, Daniel, and I can't stand it. Can we please do something without these damn crutches?" He leaned back in his seat, hiking his feet up and over the edge of the car so they dangled outside. Daniel shook his head firmly, whacking at Johnny's knees until he put his feet where they belonged. He pulled out of the parking lot despite Johnny's loud complaints.

"Shut up, Goldilocks, if you don't calm down then we aren't gonna to go anywhere at all." Daniel pushed Johnny's hands away from his arm, all while keeping his eyes on the road in front of him.

"Ugh, you're impossible. Where are you even going?" He let his head fall forward dramatically so it hit the dashboard just so that Daniel would grab his shoulder and try to pull him back again. A few unsuccessful minutes went by in which Daniel tugged absently at his shirt.

"We're here. Quit your whinin', we can do whatever we want." Confused by what the boy meant, Johnny automatically lifted his head. One breath through his nose caught the salty scent in the air and his eyes settled on the crashing waves of the beach where he beat the shit out of the boy that he was now pining after like a lost puppy. He stumbled out of the car, accidentally putting his foot down at least twice, though it didn't hurt much more than a faint ache due to the stretch of the new skin. Then his crutches were shoved under his arms by the boy himself and Daniel ran past him, heading out onto the sand.

"Wait!" Johnny demanded. There was no way those crutches would work on the sand. He threw them aside and hurried out onto the sand, keeping as light on his foot as he could so the idiot who was running ahead of him wouldn't flip his shit. He caught up to Daniel and reached out to grab him, but the sand slid beneath the brunette's feet and he twisted in midair, taking Johnny down with him.

He turned once he hit the ground and used his momentum to flip them over so Johnny was the one in the sand, grinning down at him devilishly.

"You're not goin' anywhere, Blondie. Not without those crutches." He smirked, and Johnny desperately wished to wipe that smugness off his face as he scowled up at him.

"Then it looks like you're gonna be sitting here for a long time, LaRusso, because the second you get up I'm gone." He raised an eyebrow, folding his arms behind his head. He could feel the sand sifting down through his shirt collar and done the back of his neck. He began to squirm, but it only felt worse. Daniel shifted his weight back on to Johnny's hips, twisting around and pulling his shoe and socks off. He removed his own shoes and socks, tossing them aside into the sand and then throwing off his jacket so he was left in a T-shirt and shorts. A few red lights were popping up. Johnny's first thought was that it was probably still nippy for being out in just a T-shirt and shorts.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a lazy smile tugging at his lips as Daniel leaned forward, his own lips curving upwards into that beautiful smile of his. The brunette ruffled Johnny's hair, before unzipping the blonde's jacket and pulling him up into a sitting position. Shock was the first emotion to filter into Johnny's rather slow-moving mind as he realized that Daniel was straddling his lap and throwing his jacket off into the sand. His jaw dropped and he stared at the boy dumbly, oblivious to the laughter and yet falling totally in love with the sound.

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