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Park Jimin                                                                                                                                                                      11:58pm                                                                                                                                                                     Hankuk Psychiatric Facility, Seoul






Park Jimin's intent focus on the clock was interrupted by the sudden opening of his room door.

He jumped of the bed , to be met with the stern look of his nurse who had come to give him his medicines.

He fell back onto his bed, and felt the cold tip of the needle enter his skin, 

It was not the first time something sharp had touched his wrists , and nor was it the last,

It had been a year since they had parted ,

and two months since he did.

The bed on the other side of the room was empty, 

All the blankets folded neatly, the only reminder of him, the note under his Jimin's pillow.

                                                                                                                     "I'll come back for you, I promise."

A lie.

Park Jimin knew this was a lie, but why did some part of him still believe?

He yearned for company, his solitude paining his soul.

He remembered when they had been together. All of them taking momentary comfort in  the presence of each other.


Park Jimin sat on the rooftop of the hospital. Even though it lay in one of the busiest parts of seoul, the night was strangely quiet. The little noise was silenced by the thick concrete walls surrounded the vast complex.

He liked to come here sometimes, when he wanted to escape reality. But each time his momentary bliss was snatched away when he placed one foot back into the whitewashed corridors, filled with the smell of sickness and antiseptics.

A plane passed overhead, a red light winking at its tail.

Jimin wished he was there right now, away from this place.

He looked down,

                                                                   43 floors

43 floors to the cold cemented ground

but he couldn't, too scared to try

He turned his head back up, his legs swinging carelessly on the ledge.

Many things ran through his head,

                                                                                           memories , and pain

He blanked them out for now

                                                                                               a second of peace in a woeful silence.

A sigh escaped his chapped lips,

"Hyung, why did you lie?"

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