He said yes...(i'm crying)

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   As you all may now I have been living with my fiance Barry for about 2 and a half years those years have been the best years of my life I love spending time with him hes so thoughtful, caring, and sweet not to mention hes so hot. But I have been a little nervous to ask the question ya now propose but i think it's the aproppriate time to ask we been togoether long enough now that I finally have the confidence to ask him I really want to start a life with him. Skip forrward a couple of days its a nice warm summer night my and Barry are standing by the swamp I hide the ring behind my back. After a few minutes of talking I kneel down on one knee and say the words "Barry the wonderful Bee Benson, Will you marry me?" Barry's eyes lit up with happiness and he said "of course I will shrek I love you so much!" We kiss and barry slips the ring on his finger it was a perfect fit. Our wedding day is on july 2nd and theres nothing eles I look more forward to than that day I can't wait to start a proper life with Barry. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sherk's day at the swamp.(safe for work)Where stories live. Discover now