Chapter 8 - Preparation for Murder

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I need some packaging tape, to send this bitch to the lower depths our world, first class, I can't afford not to. I must hold down my tormentor before I can hold up this household.

To the kitchens drawer-of-shit I go, where loose Ibuprofen, curtain rings, batteries and old phone charges lay in wait, but I am only here for the sticky tape. Jessica and I nod and give each other the go-ahead, this is the moment we've all been waiting for, someone press record, I'll wanna' watch this later.

Jess takes the lead. It is essential she believes she is the other fifty-fifty collaborator in this, not only my pawn for murder porn.

As she edges down on the spring handle that is encrusted with hardened tomato sauce, I think there's also some sort of pasta on there, which is disgusting because we haven't had pasta in months. With every tick of the coil and creak of rubbing metal, she becomes static. She dawdles opening the door, finally it is lurched opened, here we go. The slumbered light from the hallway takes the doorframes shape and coffins over him and his bed, both shadowy sides of the bed are absent to understand with my eyes.

I swan into the room with the duct tape and a smile. Tonight, shall be the darkest of gory nights before the glory of a dawning new story. Side by side, we take on life, from the womb to Dads room. We need to tie this motherfucker up. Round and around, the tape regorges a puckered suspire, his ankles and wrists have been stitched to each bedpost into a star shape. This man is not possessed by a demon or in need of an exorcism, though he does have something evil inside of him that needs clapper clawed out.

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