Chapter 17 - Court - Part 2

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As Keisha Brook stands, every woman's eyebrows rise to her fancy fortuned clothes and ever man's cock suspends in suspense for her to bend over and pick up a pen or something. She seems to be a few years older than me; I bet she had an awesome upbringing. She's the type of gal you would take home to Mommy and Daddy, if you had either, sorry folks. Pulling down her pressed black coat and fixing her foxy skirt.

"Doctor, I only have one real question; do you think, in your professional opinion, would you say these killings were organized or were they disorganized?" Her holy words could have an unholy meaning for Jess and me.

"I believe that the killings from the night in question were disorganized. The killing of the Emerson's father set Kyle onto a psychotic course, and every obstacle which he faced after he reacted with severe anger and destruction, for the soul purpose to protect his sister but on the same hand to escape the life which he believes has betrayed him."

"Thank you." Keisha finishes with a mechanical nod.

"The witness is excused; call your witness Miss Brook."

"Thank you, your honour. I call Jessica Emerson to the stand."

A door opens from my left; Jessica is escorted out by a female worker. Her eyes cemented to the floor, she must be sinking because she stops mid-walk and stays put.

A bailiff pilots towards her, I stand-up on my chair, this lion locks eyes with his gazelle. I swear the floor must have something sticky on it, he stops too. Touch my sister with those sane hands, I will snap them off and bitch-slap you to death with them both. The Judge said if I outburst again he'd have someone usher me out of here. I'm keeping my outside voice inside.

"Jessie! You gotta' go over there and sit next to that guy dressed as a transvestite chick, I am right here, there's nowt to worry about. Just look at me, focus on me. But, you need to answer their questions... I'm right, okay, baby."

The bible is driven under her nose; faithful experts will be losing their fucking minds, you can't use a religious document as a weapon against people, manipulate them with the thought of going to the bad-fire, no devout persons would ever do such a thing... Wait a second, yeah, they fucking would.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

Jessica nods with a sullen mull.

"Miss Emerson, you must answer with words, so we can write down your response for the record, okay." How's the notary supposed to nib down this mind-numbing nattered news?

"I do..." She shushes everyone's ears.

Jess, buries her eyes and thoughts upon her shoes, her head does not rise as my spirit does when I see her.

"Miss Emerson, would you like a glass of water before we begin?" The lawyer sizzles.

"No - No thank you."

"Okay... I only have a few questions for you Miss Emerson; in your own words, could you explain the events leading up to you and your brother's brutal acts of violence upon the streets of Hull on the night of the seventeenth of September?"

"Erm..." She begins to nibble at her fingernails "Everything was great, it was a Friday, so no school the next day. I remember staring outside of my window for a while before school and wondering how fast clouds travel. Got up, got washed, brushed my teeth, walked to and from school, we had dinner and then.... And then, I ended up here. Nothing out the ordinary."

"Nothing out of the ordinary, you say? Your honour, I would like to bring into effect exhibit nineteen which are photographs of each of the murder scenes."

"Your honour, this is farce. If my client does not remember, how is traumatizing her supposed to heal her emotional amnesia?"

"Overruled! Mrs. Brook, proceed with caution, I don't wish for an outburst which could lead to fracturing an already fragile mind."

"Thank you, your honour." The female lawyer begins to load up digital photographs on the large television screen for all to see, the unspeakable acts of forceful assisted suicides I helped deliver to the further and black beyond.

"I am simply looking for the truth, your honour. These are all the brutal murderous acts yourself and your brother committed, so when you tell the courtroom that you do not remember; excuse the gasps of shock, we find it hard to believe you. You along with your brother were there when your father was burned alive, when a bystander was given a fractured skull, when two officers were shot dead, when a whole family was ambushed and butchered." With a pen, she clicks through the images. Whoa! Did I do all that? Horror movies haven't got shit on me.

"No - No - No! You have me and my brother mixed up with other people, we would never do something like that. We're good, nice people. I don't feel well; I want to get down from here."

"Miss Emerson, you are under oath and obliged to stay where you are. The families and friends of all the victims you and your brother killed are here today and want the answers and justice. Now, we have you on video footage committing some of these crimes, the picture may be pixelated but it's very clearly you along with your brother. How many people have you killed?"

"I have never killed anyone!"

"So, your brother did all the killings, is that what you're saying?"

"Bitch-Brook, be careful, you're lighting a fire on thin ice and you don't want to know how cold-hearted I can be."

The judge slams his sledgehammer and pledges.

"Mister Emerson, I will not warn you again, mind your tongue, sit!"

"If it wasn't your brother, who was it? Remember you are under oath within this court of law."

"I don't want to do this no-more, I-I wanna' go home, just let me go home, please."

"Home! You're not going home; you have no home to go too. You and your brother burned it to the ground with your father inside of it."

"Let me down from here, I don't want to be here."

"Mister Stone, control your witness."

Someone from the revengers assembled behind us, hatches a plan of throwing an egg, in slow motion it coasts over my head, it splinters and splatters over Jessica's.

"Kyle! Help me!" She reaches out with her hand the gook masks her beautiful face.

The hero of the story re-emerges, I've lost the plot of my story, charted for another chanced chapter, my courage urges me to get fired-up, now, wind-up my toy soldier backed turnkey; time to purge these persons who are not pertinent to Jessica's protection.

I spontaneously lift my court appointed chair and point and course it at the bailiff trying to calm down Jess. The armed leg of the chair impales and implies blood over these imps of unimportance.

Cries carry-forward and footsteps begin to trip and clop over one another. I statue my enraged stature on top of the table, I blare a face flare at the runners and cameras; I will channel my anger through every news station which is switched on today.

"Talk to my sister like a piece of shit, will you? Now be afraid of me! Hasn't your mother every told you not to feed the animals at the zoo, the same rules apply for me." I superman soar from the table onto Keisha Brook, scorned by her words, I warned and warned, now I warrant and won't want anything except spawned horns until I have torn her from life and pronged this slut into a prolonged night.

As a mutt, I bite a bitch and savage into her face, she will remember me forever; but a dog-pile of guards rips me from mounting her.

"This is an outrage! I have seen and heard enough. Kyle and Jessica Emerson, I give you the maximum life sentence. You are to be remanded in custody until tomorrows-end where you will you both be sent to the Stateside Criminally Insane Research Asylum, where you are to live you the remainder of your days apart from each other. Your crimes are not natural for this world because you believe that this world is not natural for you; Take them both away. Court Dismissed... Court Dismissed." A final shot from his knocking tool booms.

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