A/N: I am being forced to retype the last TWO chapters because apparently they were deleted for no good reason so sorry about that. Anyways this chapter is probably going to be short so I apologize ahead of time.
Emma's POV:
Me and Henry are in the park waiting for Snow and Charming. We went a little early so that Henry could have some time on the playground equipment. I suddenly hear footsteps pounding the ground, I look up from my phone and see Henry right in front of me. Out of breath he says,
"Mom, Cora's making her way toward the park and Hook is at her side,"
I jump up from the bench I'm sitting on and I grab Henry by the shirt collar and pull him around behind the bench. We sit there for a while and wait for them to pass, but suddenly they stop and begin to speak,
Cora starts, "So you understand the plan correct?"
"Yes I do now if you would be so kind as to let me go home that would be greatly appreciated," Hook said.
"Not yet dear, no first you must come to our hideaway with me so that we can put our plan into action! Once I get my hands on that Swan girl, this town will be mine!"
"Yes as jolly good as that is, I really don't give a damn what happens to her as long as I get my ship back,"
"Oh you will soon enough. Just follow through and it's yours. No questions,"
"Excellent, then shall we be off?"
Cora nods and off that walk still discussing the plan. Henry and I get up from our hiding place and we immediately leave the park. I call Snow on her phone,
"Hey," Snow picks up, "Whats up?"
"Change of plans," I say, "We're meeting at your place," and with that I hang up.
A/N: Sorry again if this is short. I don't really remember what I had written originally so I kind of had to make it up all over again.

From Neverland and Back: A Captain Swan Fanfiction
FanfictionIf you ship Captain Swan hard then you should really consider reading my fanfiction. I know that sounds really self centered but I mean it. This fanfic contains some scenes and characters from the amazing TV show Once Upon A Time, but there are many...