Chapter Seven: New Lessons

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Part One

I woke up and too my surprise Novian was still here and sleeping like a baby. I check the time on my phone was surprised that it was only thee something. I was just going to be up now. Stretching I headed to the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth before going to the kitchen for a late night snack. What kind of snack worked best at this time you ask? Pizza.

As I was headed down the stairs Novian was headed up. Maybe I had woken him up somehow. I'd apologize when he came down. I set the stove to preheat as I took out a frozen pizza and adding extra cheese for extreme gooey cheese pull and more pepperoni's until the pizza looked like that's all it consisted of. Just as I popped it into the oven Novian sat on the counter.

"I have questions." he said and my eyes widen. He still hadn't asked me about the shower thing and I still was tiptoeing around it all.


"I can understand just how....what's the word I'm looking for? Um-innocent? Naive?" he shrugged. "Either or works. What I'm saying is did you ever take Sex Education." I blushed.

"No. My mom was sick when they sent out the forms in middle school leaving me to ask my daddy. The minute he saw it was a choice whether i be there or not, he went with not. Even kept me home to ensure I wouldn't be in that class that day. When the opportunity came around again in high school grandma was sick and my mom went to go be with her. The class was a week later, but I was at my grandmother's funeral."

"What about anatomy?"

"Daddy called up to the school asking how long we would be studying it. I was out for that entire time. He had mommy teach me about the females. When he wasn't here she taught me about semen and where it was located. I knew about the penis...well I knew it was called a penis. I just didn't know it could get so big and hard. Daddy caught her before she could get to the part. For the entire year daddy took my biology book when i got home. If i had homework he sat and did it with me. He told me if the teacher brought up the male parts in class to ask for. Bathroom pass and call him. Needless to say the teachers and principal got tired of his behavior and just assigned me a very large very detailed scale model of the cell for that semester. Otherwise I wouldn't have passed and graduated."

"Princess you are the definition of a coddled, sheltered up, innocent and naive little girl that in the wrong hands would be taken advantage of."

"And what's supposed to mean Novian? Are you the wrong hands? Are you trying to take advantage of me? Despite what you think I'm not as naive as you think. I know right from wrong and I know when someone is trying to get me to do something I shouldn't."

"False. How can know if someone is taking advantage when the only thing you know about sex is to please yourself. Even that was something you just learned ." he scoffed as I rolled my eyes. Why was he being so difficult about this?"

"Fine then teach me everything I need to know about it. Sorry, but since I graduate I no longer have my biology book." I replied sarcastically. I didn't even know him that well and admittedly he was the only person that could make me raise my voice and be anything other than the sweet person I am.

"I got something better than a book." he laughed an evil looking smirk taking over his features. "It's called the internet. After you share that pizza that smells just about done we'll begin our lessons. You have a lot to learn. Then we'll see just how naive you really are." he laughed causing me to narrow my eyes. I groaned. I wish my daddy was here. I could use the ' I'm a cop and I have a gun' scare tactic right about now. What happened to the fun we were having at first? The oven dinged signaling that the pizza was ready. I let it cool for about ten minutes before cutting it into eight almost equal slices. We ate in silence apart from him criticizing my love for crushed red pepper seeds and various hot sauces.  Once we we were done he sat me in front of the computer in the only room on the first floor. It use to be mom's quiet space before I grew up and took it over. I came in here to dance, sing and sometimes paint even though I sucked at it.

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