Chapter 1

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Cherry the Hedgehog was fighting Luna the Wolf at the park. When the fight was going on, Flower the Deer and Serenity the Dragon were getting ready for Christmas, until a loud thud happened outside of their house. Serenity suddenly saw Cherry and Luna, fighting? Luna has warm clothes on her while Cherry has her normal clothes on her.

"This is a bad Flower, let's go!", Serenity said.

Flower replied," Okay."

After the two went out of the door, they went to the park. They both noticed how Luna and Cherry are fighting. Luna is very proactive, while Cherry...she isn't herself. She's banging on tree trunks and every time she tries to dodge she trips over herself, also when she attacks her aim is off.

Flower tells Serenity," Serenity! Cherry is really weak! I think she's going to faint!"

Serenity agreed and said, "You're right, I think she has a really bad fever."

As Luna threw Cherry at the tree hard then she was blocked by Flower.

"Luna stop!", Flower shouted.

"Why is that?", Luna questioned.

Serenity replied," Because Cherry has a fever that is why you should stop Luna."

While Serenity goes up to Luna, and then the three of them turn around and see that Cherry is starting to stand up weakly.

Cherry said weakly," No ... and I'm ... not done ... y..e...t" she then trips and passes out.

Luna catches Cherry before she lands and hits the snowy ground.

"You idiot. I told you to stop" Luna whispered into Cherry's ear reassuring her that everything is okay.

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