Chapter 3

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-After the explanation-

"So you're saying that my soul changed and you have NO clue why or how?", Cherry summarized.

Luna answered," Yes, we don't know when it's going to happen or what's going on with your soul. The point is that I theorized, that you can't fight with that kind of soul or someone is possessing your soul and changing its soul trait."

"I have to agree with Luna this seems very serious, even for you. At this stage, you might faint and run out of breath again because maybe of your soul trait changing", Serenity says in an agreement.

Then they went silent.

Cherry asks," Why can't you ask Sans? Maybe he'll know since he can change your soul red to blue."

"That's different, yours was pink, NOT blue. So, you're stuck like that until we can figure out what is going on with your soul, Luna answered.

Cherry groaned while Serenity, Luna, and Flower just laughs at her reaction

"So now what am I supposed to do?" Cherry questioned.

Luna replied, "Right now maybe we could take a walk while Serenity and Flower finished up the decorations and other stuff."

Serenity added, "After that, I'm gonna watch myself some Voltron episodes on Netflix."

"Ok let's go then," Cherry said.

While Flower and Serenity are doing the decorations and watching Netflix. Luna and Cherry went on a walk in the park. Cherry was uncomfortable to be at the same park where she attacked Luna.

"So Luna? Why did you say that we should take a walk?" Cherry asks.

Sorry if this is short I was stuck at this point the next chapter will come soon. Once again I'm bad at English stuff and this is the first story that I ever made so pls don't judge me. Also, have a nice day.

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