Chapter 5

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Previously in Chapter 4

Before Luna and Serenity answered there was another explosion near them. All you can see are pink eyes and Luna knows who that is. When the smoke cleared out it was Cherry. Who knows what she'll do because her soul turned into that pink feared soul and none of them said a word but she did.

"Who's ready to have some fun?" Cherry asked in a creepy way with a grin of no control.


"Here we go again" Luna sighed.

"I don't care about that pipsqueak. ROBOTS GET HER!" Dr. Poyio Boil demanded.

As the robots attack quicker than the eye can see the robots were destroyed. Once the robots are destroyed she's already gone like the wind that carries her. Luna and Serenity hear screaming from the town and they could hear exploding buildings in the distance. They ran to the noise and they saw Cherry hurting the people they were supposed to protect.

"STOP THIS CHERRY!" yelled Luna

"This isn't you Cherry" yelled Serenity as well

"Cherry is dead this is Koto," said Koto

Luna and Serenity were shocked to hear this statement that was made by "Koto". Koto was laughing when the building exploded behind her. At this moment, Luna and Serenity know what they need to do; they need to defeat Koto and get Cherry back to herself and figure out why her soul trait keeps changing when a battle takes place.

"Look like we need to team up again don't we Serenity," said Luna

"Yep, and when we are done I am going to watch a ton of anime and Cherry is going to make some apple pie for me for saving her butt," Serenity said with a smile

"Yeah a crap ton pies," said Luna

Luna and Serenity start running at Cherry, or now Koto. Koto turned and saw them running towards her and smiled at them and ran towards them with an evil glint in her eyes. Luna pulled out her double guns and shot Cherry in the arm but missed. Serenity pulled out her scissor blade and slashed Cherry in the back.

"I am so sorry Cherry I am truly" Serenity said with tears running down her cheeks

"We had no choice Cherry," Luna said with her head down

As Cherry laid unconscious with a light slashed on her back. Serenity and Luna look at each other and Serenity nods towards Luna. Luna sighs and puts her hand on Serenity's shoulder and a hand on Cherry's back and teleports them back home where Flower is at. Flower saw that Serenity and Luna appeared out of nowhere and noticed that Cherry was unconscious with a slash across her back.

"What happened?!", said Flower

"Well you see Cherry's soul trait may have changed into the fear trait again," said Luna

"Yeah and I may or may not have made her unconscious with a slash across her back with my awesome scissor blade," said Serenity

"Did you really have to hurt her you could have just knocked her out not hurting her?" said Flower

"Yeah, sorry about that can you patch her up," said Serenity

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll patch her up to don't worry about it," said Flower

"Cherry wakes the hell up," said Luna, a bit irritated.

Cherry groaned a bit and said," No".

"Come on Cherry you own me some apple pie," said Serenity.

The next day, Cherry woke up feeling good as new. But, she doesn't remember what happened in the past few days and no one will tell her.


I like to thank whalelord17 and Moon_wolf_01 to make this chapter because I have no ideas about what to do or what to write for this chapter. Another is the drawing on the top is Koto if you guys want to know.

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