twenty one.

130 17 11

I can love me, when I'm with you.
Is it my fault, that you occupy my mind, all the time?
I can be myself with you, my crazy, possessive, weird self.
The thoughts of you are the most comforting.
It can transport me to a place of absolute safety and security.
you are my safe haven.
my heaven on earth.
my goddess.
when I'm with you, I learn to love myself, someone I thought was incapable of loving.


I've decided to make this book into different sagas, dealing with the different aspects and types of love. The first one was unattainable/unrequited love, this one is an obsessive type of love, where in a particular person solely depends on another for happiness and obsessively loves them, without any limits.
Hope you guys understood ❤️

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